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Everything posted by mccleery3

  1. mccleery3

    4 Fi Audio IB3 18's walled off 15Hz tune in a VAN BUILD LOG

    Lookin good bro, I'm tuned in
  2. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Ahhhhh yes! I am actually due for some ink!! I'd love to see and hear your system once it's completed.
  3. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    If you were in Indy I would be happy to give ya a demo bro I'll be keeping an eye on your build too
  4. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    I got some tuning time in today and gave a couple demos of the 8's It was funny to see peoples faces when they see what's makin all the noise.....LOL!
  5. mccleery3

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Those are some sexy mofo's
  6. Hey, got the 8's back in the truck : )

  7. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    He took a piece of 3/4" mdf about 5-6" to run down the bottom center and used epoxy to glue it together. Then he put a nail in the piece of wood from under the box into the 3/4" mdf. It seams pretty solid as of right now. I have the enclosure back in the truck now I haven't had alot of time tuning yet but these little guys are gonna raise some eyebrows.
  8. mccleery3

    ChicagoFans box 4 SA8s i his Escape

    Got em back in and this time all the seals are solid! It's been sprayed with bed liner and looks sexy if I do say so I'll be playing around with the settings to get things just right over the next few days. We got done kinda late and it started to rain on us as we started tuning. Hopfully some pics will be coming tonight.
  9. mccleery3

    Hi. Another new guy

  10. mccleery3

    Newbie on ssa

  11. mccleery3

    Hi Guys!! and Gals?

  12. mccleery3

    Hi From Minnesota

  13. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    What's happenin IAK family! Chop has been super busy with the new job and doesn't have much, if any, extra time. He's doing well though since I last saw him. I got to see the 18's first hand and hold them heavy bastards!!!! FTMFW I believe rattlebox is in the same situation with lots of work going on. While I'm here I might as well give an update on my build: box has been bed linered and is back in Mike's hands to clean and repaint the inside of the box along with installing some braces for the ends of the psp ports. Hopfully tuesday I'll be completely done with the enclosure and moving on to the amp rack. We have a couple neat little ideas for the amp rack so we'll be testing some out before final assembly. Mike should be able to get pics up as it is coming along. Later my IAK FAMILY!!
  14. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Now the box is at the bed liner place being sprayed and I probably won't get it till next week. I think it will be worth it though for the overall look and function with the liner also acting as a seal for the exterior
  15. mccleery3

    ChicagoFans box 4 SA8s i his Escape

    UH OH! That could be an excellent idea Now I'm curious about if you do graphics, vinyls, and other stuff associated with those things? The team has actually been shopping for a place to do our logo for vinyls and shirts.
  16. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    ME TOO!
  17. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Still without my subs On a side note/good note: I think that it may be getting bedlinered now Mike (DD9915D) is sanding all the edges to the smoothness and testing/retesting for any seal problems before it's sprayed. He still has to make the braces for the ports and fix the outer seal around the glass but got the extra LED's in. I guess it's gonna be another week before I get my babies back in the truck
  18. mccleery3


  19. "You have to be an audio legend to own one of those. " ......or just more money than intelligence
  20. mccleery3


  21. mccleery3

    ssa newb from glendale

  22. mccleery3

    wasup from MS

  23. mccleery3


  24. mccleery3

