Chop, Thinking both options, ported or adding a 3rd and going sealed, will still produce the desired results You know whatever help I can offer that I'm there for you bro. Whatcha thinking about doing for ports with mama Chops build now? A little update of sorts for my own potential build: I've got my Team Sundown equipment and pricing figured thanks to Jacob I'm pricing electrical right now and hoping for the seasonal overtime at the Post Office to kick in and help with costs. Focusing on doing it right once so that even if there is another upgrade in the future I'll be set GOING BIG FELLAS so it's gonna be expensive As always though, family comes 1st and slows things down a bit. With Christmas and Thanksgiving coming along with my 2nd oldests 16th birthday, uncle sam may be my best bet to get the bulk of my electrical purchases made. I'm going to be working hard on having something in time by Slamology even if it isn't the finished product. I'm not doing build log until I actually have some things done No need to build up hype when it could be another 6 months before I have any real progress....FML