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Everything posted by mccleery3

  1. mccleery3

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    Just giving you a hard time man, don't take it personal You know it's just a loving nudge brotha
  2. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Actually, if you break even that's the way I'd like it to always be. A tax return essentially is a interest free savings account or maybe like a christmas club savings
  3. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Ouch sorry to hear that bro Uncle Sm
  4. Singer 275a alt has been ordered ;)

  5. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    MO MONEY I always sign up to work holidays to feed my car audio addiction
  6. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    I will see if I'm able to get the night off
  7. mccleery3

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    He changes his mind more than a woman Post some updates in your thread son
  8. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Must post pics of the sexiness
  9. I shall see ya there fellas
  10. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Uncle Sam will be depositing a little present into my bank acct tomorrow Hope to actually start a build log FINALLY!! I've gotta do a couple things 1st before installing anything though. I've ordered a Singer 275a alt and should have that either the end of the week or beginning of next. I'll put a list of equipment for this year and the plan for down the road when I start my build log
  11. mccleery3

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    An artist is never really appreciated until after they are dead
  12. mccleery3

    Hyundai elantra HB

    Love seeing the next generation getting involved You'll love those 4 SA's
  13. mccleery3

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    Between the wood and ordering some of the subs you should feel EXTREMELY motivated
  14. mccleery3

    Regina's 03" Durango

    Broke the computer and the rear windshield wiper Them 8's are BEASTS!!!
  15. Indy did the damn thing for Super Bowl

  16. mccleery3

    New Season new build

    Coming along very nicely! Those carbon fiber DC boobs are SEXAY
  17. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    to the family bro
  18. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Spent the day at the Super Bowl Village and did the NFL Experience with all my kids yesterday We had an awesome day with wonderfull weather Lots of love from fellow Bears fans.....had the whole family in Bears hats, shirts, and jersey's It was definitely a very memorable 40th for myself.
  19. mccleery3

    New Season new build

    Looking good bro Don't see walled crx's so I'm interested in the end results. Make sure you keep us up to date!
  20. Thanks for the birthday wishes bro :)

  21. Thanks for the birthday wishes bro :)

  22. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    FINALLY!!!!!.......after a very very long wait, I'll be making actuall purchases and progress toward getting some BASS back This will be the build I'm settling on for this year and will be a lower budget than originally thought. However, I will be assured to have something to respresent myself and IAK with the local comps for the coming season. Still big plans for the future, and purchases will be made throughout the year for a bigger and better build. It's an addiction and I'll never get a big enough fix I see a dedicated car audio vehicle in my future
  23. Should have my tax $$ by the end of the week! Time to start making some purchases ;)

  24. mccleery3

    Newb From Chicago

  25. mccleery3

    Well, no more kitten

    Cats and women have an enormous amount in common. Don't get me wrong guys, I love pussy but not this type of cat regardless human or animal......LMFAO!!!! 1.they only want to be touched when it's convenient for them at their timing 2.moddy as hell and can snap one way or the other (bad or good) instantaniously 3.if you don't give them want they want you hear them whine about it forever 4.spend rediculous amounts of time making themselves "clean and presentable" 5.expect you to kiss their ass and catore(spelling?) to them at all times 6.will run out on you to do whatever they want and expect you to allow them back at their convenience with no questions asked I'm sure there is more but I have been on sleep medication and don't have complete clarity of thought. Please add other similarities as you see fit Sorry to hear about the belt......and the cat too I guess