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Everything posted by mccleery3

  1. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Well, I would either be @ .33 or 1.3 with d4's or .66 with d2's. I am running a SAZ3500v.2 on the 6 15E's in 24cu net tuned to 32hz. I planned on .66 with d2's & was trying to pull as much safe power as possible. Running @ .33 just worries me.....even with a XS D3400, 2 XP3000 & a 275alt
  2. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Well, I finally opend up my boxes today & found out that I was sent dual 4's instead of dual 2's. Rather than send them back & pay for shipping I am just gonna run what I have. I don't think the difference in power is significant enough to wait or worry about it.
  3. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    I'm on mobile....not working PC is not up atm
  4. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Link isn't working for me either
  5. mccleery3

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Hell yeah! You get those from Lee? I am jealous
  6. mccleery3

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Well, hello there
  7. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Hell yeah!
  8. mccleery3

    IAK and Team IAK audio .jpeg files

    Can't wait to see what you can do next!
  9. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Feeling some St. Patty's alcohol consumption coming on!
  10. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    he get another 15? he was askin again about the imp. of the one he got from me.Yep, he got a 2nd
  11. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Deadener order & picked up a hammer crimper
  12. mccleery3

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    LMAO@ SENCHEZ! Let chop have his build log back.....lol!
  13. mccleery3

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    Snowed both of my days off It was up to 60° over the damn weekend! I just have shitty luck & Indy weather is unpredictable. I did drop off my door panels sat to get glassed. Hoping they are done by the local show on the 23rd. I started the sub enclosure but gotta cut the holes for subs & put the top on. Things are slowly progressing, just difficult with shitty days off, making time for my kids, & shitty weather.
  14. mccleery3

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    Too old & fragile to work outside in the cold. I'm a govt employee, not used to all that labor & adverse weather Lookin good Chop! I can see some love coming our way during Slam!
  15. mccleery3

    Random YouTubes

    Too funny
  16. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Indy weather is BULLSHIT!
  17. mccleery3

    *Swift's Rebuild* 3 SP4 18's, 12k Walled F250

    Damn! Now I don't get to hear it at Slam
  18. He isn't really much of an internet guy. I talked to him at finals & those were his words.....lol
  19. mccleery3

    Happy Birthday Godsmack!

    Happy Birthday
  20. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

  21. mccleery3

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    LOL, Senchez & his theivery of pics! Looks good though bro.
  22. Nice vid.......Senchez gettin all "cheezy"
  23. mccleery3

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Dropped off my door panels yesterday for fiberglassing. I was also able to get started on the enclosure for the subs as well. We have a show coming up on the 23rd.....hoping to have it all installed by then.
  24. mccleery3

    2012 Fusion All Sundown Everything! Start Pg. 14

    1250rms is correct. I was going to get the X's until I became too impatient & cheap. Didn't wanna drop more in electrical to add a 2nd SAZ3500v.2