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Everything posted by mccleery3

  1. mccleery3

    Found me a new home.

  2. mccleery3

    Happy b-day Tmax!

    Happy Birthday
  3. mccleery3

    New member introduction

  4. mccleery3

    Sundown Website Updates

    I'll be reppin Sundown and throwing my ride on the page when the SA-8's come out to go with my SAZ-1500 and probably a SAX-50.4
  5. mccleery3

    saz 50.4

    I believe Jacob had made a statement in another thread questioning ouput for the 50.4. He had said that it would provide enough power for 90% or 95% of the components on the market.....hope that helps
  6. mccleery3

    Baton Rouge checking in...

  7. mccleery3


  8. mccleery3

    nothing to read here.

    Damn bro, I'm sorry you have had probably some of the worst luck I've ever seen or heard of. I wish I could've helped man. Keep your head up man.
  9. mccleery3


  10. I used rubber grommets and padding under my amp (Sundown SAZ-1500D) when I mounted it to the box (2-Incriminator LI 15's). I had it like that for over a year without any issues and plan on doing the same with the new box for the 4/SA-8's.
  11. mccleery3

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Hoping for an earlier than expected release on these. 2 more months without subs is going to drive me crazy
  12. mccleery3

    SAX-50.4 Close Out Continued

    Any idea of the price point for the SAE-100.4 and a ETA Jacob? I'm running passive right now and fall into "bang for the buck" category. I'm really torn between keeping my JL300/4 or getting a Sundown (50.4 or 100.4) just to have matching amps......needless I know but it looks better IMHO.
  13. mccleery3

    Big Truck Big Bass

    Wow! Loving the pics to this one. Nice and clean, looking foward to the finished product
  14. I've owned 2 of the LI 15's and ran them off of the SAZ-1500D with a Deka 9A31 secondary battery. I had the big 3 upgrade with 1/0 wire, on a stock 110amp alt with minimal dimming at maximum listening level. This was with accesories going (headlights, air conditioner). In my opinion the Sundown is just a nasty amp for the money...my .02
  15. mccleery3

    Newbie from Virigina

  16. mccleery3

    Hello to ALL!!

    Welcome and nice collection
  17. Yo Chop! Hope all is good with you and the family bro.

  18. I was wondering if those aero ports from the place up north are the actual precision ports (psp) or not?

  19. Wow bro, SSA is being brutal to you, a -4 rep??? : /

  20. mccleery3

    New guy from far away!

  21. mccleery3

    The wife got me good.

    The kind of woman we all need
  22. mccleery3

    Which Amp?

    Hey! Those were my 15's!!! Maybe he wants the SAZ-1500D of mine?.....I could get the SAZ-2000D for my SA8's
  23. mccleery3

    Mdizzle's build log

    At least you could be bangin before mid/late feb. I'm gonna be watching this one
  24. Hey bro, I'm ready to get my 4-SA8 box design going : D

  25. mccleery3

    hi new
