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Everything posted by smullen

  1. smullen

    2005 Blazer.. Mach 5 SPL-12s..build.

    Yea, rip it out right qick and peek at the connections.... If nothing looks funky, your going to have to pull it out and put it on your work bench and test it; Make sure it wrks right there... If it does then break out the multi-meter and test light... Check all your fuses at the pannels, then power wires comming out of the dash... I'm assuming you used a wiring harness kit... One that you solder on to the headunits wires, then plug in to the factory plugs and its not just butchered and spliced in....
  2. Yea, I know... I was thinking on the front of the box facing the back of the front seats, two wide and three high, somehow they could cover the compartment where the batts could go... I just wished I visualize it and and draw it better... I really want it to look good, not just slapped in there...
  3. smullen

    2005 Blazer.. Mach 5 SPL-12s..build.

    Yea, on the screws, those are just to hold the second baffle tighter to the 1st right, not part of a hella long Vent???
  4. smullen

    2005 Blazer.. Mach 5 SPL-12s..build.

    Nice looking enclosure... I've seen a few shop jobs that did not come out as nice... What are you going to push it with??? Post some more when you get it all in and wired up... I dig any Blazer/SUV installs!!! For some reason I have a thing for'em... I know everyone wants 15s and 18s, but I kinda like 12s... Not sure why... Hopefully, someday, I'll get to finish mine... (maybe if I win the lotto)...
  5. smullen

    New Hybrid RE Audio XXX-MT

    I love this forum... I've been into Car Audio for over 15 years, various phazes in and out and I had tons of Subs, but I've never even considered building or repairing one... I come in some of these forums and guys are like, yea, got bored, so I took the motor off this, cone off this, duct cap from this, stole the cable off a wirespan bridge for tinsel leads, re-treads off a tractor trailer tire for surrounds and made a Subanater-9000!!! Frickn Crazy Cool stuff some of you do!!! Seriously... I'm just happy when I mount my subs in the box, without pokin the d@mn screwdriver through the cone...
  6. smullen

    From: SAZ-3500D / AQ-3500D Side-By-Side

    Unless I missed it somewhere (very possible) I'd love to see some test on the 2000D... Just bought one and am planning on 3 more as cash permits... I want to power 4 older 12" XXX Dual 2 Ohm VCs... Each 12, gets its own 2000D... Wanted the 3500s, but you gotta draw the line somewhere... Plus I still want new amps for Mids and Highs...
  7. smullen

    Door pods for my suburban....

  8. smullen

    Bigpimpin91's 1988 Ford Bronco II

    Sorry to bring back such an old post, but What app are you guys using to make box diagrams like this????
  9. smullen

    Avalanche Rebuild

    Looks pretty cool... I'm wanting to try a few Sundown amps on my next project, if it ever gets off the ground... I know what you mean about the vinyl... On my last system in my Blazer (now torn out and sold) I covered three pannels almost the same size as the one you showed (not liking) and I did not like the way they came out.. Did one three times... I think next time, I will make sure any screwheads are recessed and all edges and corners are hit with a router roundover bit.... I think that'll give it a much smoother look...
  10. smullen

    Post your Ride & Mod list!!!

    I already posted a buncha pics, so I don't wanna bore ya's with ones you already seen... So here is a list of details about my truck and most of the stuff I've done... 2000 S-10 Blazer Engine:
  11. smullen

    Whats up, Smullen here...

    Not really new here, but its been a long time since I've been around... I gotta PM from one of the other members that said this place was picking up and looking good.... Not a lotta drama or dumb chit like some other places... For those of you that don't know me, I'm from St. Louis, the V.P. of a growing Car Club called Impressive Xpressions. I roll a 2000 S-10 Blazer, thats lowered and has a few other things done to it. I'm always looking to do more... Here is a pic of the Truck Heres a pic of my audio system I just yanked out Audio system is: Kenwood DVD Headunit Eclipse Mids Tweets - Power by 2 Hifonics amps (3) JL Audio 12W6s - Powered by a Hifonics Zeus (4) 5.6" LCDs MS X Box Rear Facing Mini-Cam 4 Optima Yellow Tops All Phoenix Gold Wiring (Signal and Power) Viper Alarm with 2Way LCD Remote Lots of Dynamat All getting redone..... smullen Dropped 2000 Blazer, sittin on Sum Dubs, wit sum Ghosty Flames Check out ImpressiveXpressions.com
  12. smullen

    Whats up, Smullen here...

    Would you guys do me a favor? If you think my ride is show worthy, would you go vote on it? http://www.showoffcars.com/Chevrolet/Blaze...=smullen&mode=c Only do it, if you think it is, not because I'm asking... I kinda think thats cheating... Thanks
  13. smullen

    Whats up, Smullen here...

    Thanks man, thats my Goal.... I have been featured on a few websites as "Truck of the Month" and have been on Nopi's site twice... I won 1st place there, not last summer, but the summer before... Didn't get to go last summer... Thanks again for all the props you guys.... Feels good when people that know what they are talking about recognise all the planning and hard work...
  14. smullen

    Whats up, Smullen here...

    Oh forgot to post, I just came back from the 25th (0r somethin like that) anual ""Easter Show"" and I took a trophy... This is pretty cool to me cause, all the classes are judged by fellow competitors.... This is my 3rd year going and I finally got something there.... The other trucks that won in my bracket/class were trucks that have been featured in several magazines too, so I really had some competition this time.... I'm pretty happy...
  15. smullen

    Whats up, Smullen here...

    Yea probably, I agree, but I already got (6) 1500Ds.... So unless someone wants to cough up me some Collosus's I'll stick with these...
  16. smullen

    Whats up, Smullen here...

    You mean these??? http://impressivexpressions.com/Members/Sc...+4-1500Ds01.jpg tell me about it..... Like I said I have been stocking up on parts so I can have it all ready... Plus I have had a few setbacks... They been layin off at my work, so I'm afraid to drop grad after grand on my hobbies, Some lady rear ended me and bashed up the ride... Her insurance fixed most of it, thats what made me do the shaving and tail lights... But That was a few grand outta my pocket that set me back as I had not planned for it... Then the g/f and I have decided we are gonna buy a house so I've been putting most of my money into the saving account vs mods to the Blazer... Its getting there, just slowly.... Too Slowly...
  17. smullen

    Whats up, Smullen here...

    Thanks, I'm kinda proud of them... There are a ton of S-10s Running aroud with Caddies, but only like 3-4 Blazers (none in my state) and Mostly because the shape of the blazer tail light is a lot different and harder to work with... You are limited becasue of the upper bodyline/window trim and lower bodyline ground efx or whatever molding... I dunno if any of ya noticed, but they are also Upside down... They are supposed to be wide side down, narrow side up... We put one in and I did not like it, so we cut it out and re-did it, upside down... I thought it flowed with the body line better...
  18. smullen

    Whats up, Smullen here...

    Here are a few new pics, i getta get on my page....
  19. smullen

    Whats up, Smullen here...

    Actually, that pics is a bit outdated, I've since shaved the tail lights, tailgate handle, rear windshield wiper and rear bumper added a ""One Off" rear rollpan, added Frenched in caddy lights outta a 94-96 Deville, more ghosty flames, skulls and small bones all ghosted in on the tailgate... I need to get mo betta pics, but its hard to get that ghost crap to show up....
  20. smullen

    what company is RE?

    The REspl.com URLs or Domain name is being discontinuted... I got this directly from them... Just wanted to let you know that all of RE's email will now be changing to REaudio.com addresses. Email addresses such as [email protected] will now be [email protected] . REspl.com email will continue to work for the next month or so, but will be shut off thereafter. Please make sure to send all of your questions, comments, or personal emails to their respective addresses at Reaudio.com.