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Everything posted by 97cavy

  1. 97cavy

    I need ideas for a badass bass race system

    Ive had good luck with my 5 nsb 125's (with a 10 min full tilt demo i never see below 12v with the 2 6500's and a SS 10.0) but they can be pricey Id say Some Kinetik 2400's, Powermaster 3100's would probably be the best "bang for the buck" if you could get a deal on them
  2. 97cavy

    I need ideas for a badass bass race system

    Dan, I loved the q's in the setup I had at finals. Im upgrading to 4 6500's now (or 4 or 8 of something else if i can find something reliable that wont break the bank) So im getting rid of the Q's I have now to get new ones, Since i have the wrong VC's and I cant bring myself to rip apart 8 brand new subs
  3. 97cavy

    Fi results at 2007 world finals

    This doesnt make it look THAT bad, but on the back of the sub it was sagging so low that there was probably 1 1/2'' of open space of open ness
  4. 97cavy

    Fi results at 2007 world finals

    Did all of this with a sub that we couldnt get to say up (even with a right angle drill we couldnt get any screws in the back) and it was literally hanging out of the wall 2'' so my top chamber wasnt even sealed! Once i get all the quirks worked out, next year will deffiently be fun
  5. Having 2! Just picked up my new toy, hopefully gonna have it ready for bassrace finals! 8 15'' Fi Q's 2 SS 6500xxx's 5 NSB 125's!
  6. Now that Ive had some time to get the truck fully dialed in, all I can say is I LOVE these Q's They are the first Fi subs I have owned, and they sound freaking great, even at extreme levels. Its deffiently going to be a fun BassRace world fianls!
  7. I might have the woman run my other truck, not exactly sure on equipment, been trying to get rid of my old 15''s and get something smaller, may even get back into the "spl" thing with it for fun. Everything is up and running with the blazer, and it is just SICK.....Its pure painfull on some notes, and I havent even got the balls to crank it all the way. Basically just working on cleaning up the truck now, trying to make it look nice for finals
  8. 97cavy

    Sick!--videos--152.3 bass race on TL

    Were those bassrace runs at a show, or just testing?
  9. Now i have a reason to get my mom to do something to her blazer, looks identical, even the color. Cavy, hows your fantasy football team doing Im in 3rd, where are you again? Bob aka Exo Im doing HORRIBLE....Ive been screwed by my RB's pretty much every week now!
  10. HAHA yeah, ya got me there i guess!
  11. Yeah, ive had some people bust my balls over buying a truck with the wall already done. But the truth to it is, ive always wanted a wall, but have never ventured outside of simple ported boxes, and my other truck, i just didnt feel like walling it. Plus i got a KILLER price on the truck
  12. It probably looks fimilar since the old owner was from PA and probably had it at shows down there near ya at some point. I live in upstate NY And yeah, it may be overkill, but this is the first time im trying to improve the front stage. In all my previous set ups, the best thing i had up front was a set of infinity kapp 4x6 plates (I was a young, dumb bass head) and now I wanna try to get a more "rounded" system. Heres some pics from today A far shot: Batt close up: Amp close up: Still gotta play around with the placement of the 6500's and the cd changer some
  13. Right now, its planned for 2 sets of comps in each door, and a set in the kick. If space/budget permits, id like to do a nice pair of horns under the dash
  14. Matt, Noone should be proud to own a neon!! Just messin with ya man. If ya need any help on getting that thing loud, dont hesitate to ask Marty
  15. 97cavy

    Props to FI

    Yeah, mike bartells = extreme audio mike, his van is deffiently one of the loudest out. Scott Owens, Craigh Butler, Alan Dante, have all done either right around that, and a lilttle over 180. I think alan has the highest legal DB Drag dash score
  16. 97cavy

    Props to FI

    Extreme audio mike right? Sick extreme van with jbl crowns. Never done the 180 in drag, i think it was one of the other orgs, but hes still sickly loud
  17. I hate it when people just think things should be "handed" to them, especially when they only compete on a local level. When i had my competitor accomidation from powerbass, i was traveling quite a bit (not as much as now) and that still wasnt easy to get, I took 2nd at their finals, and i pretty much got the shaft after that. This year, i bought all my equipment (granted it was used, but bought it from sponsored competitors) thats all soundstream (4 t4 15''s, 2 xxx6500's) and have traveled to like 7 different states (NY,MA,RI,CT,OH,WV,PA) so far this year, including 2 3x events, and havent expected a thing, dont even have a hat or t-shirt, WTF! As for the numbers he was doing (assuming it was a burp setup) they arent all that great, so i could see why he was looked over. Hell, mines tuned to the low 30's and does better numbers in bassrace