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About fbi90909

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/08/1982

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  • Location
    Key West, FL
  • Interests
    my main interest is all about DIY. i love working on things. taking things apart, putting them back together, modifying. w/e. i want to learn as much as i can cause it's just what i like. :P
  1. fbi90909

    The Forums

    my issue is it won't stay logged in for me even though i have the remember me checked in. everytime i come to the forum i have to log in.
  2. fbi90909

    Fi 15BTL price?

    i has a 15" fully loaded btl for sale that is cheaper then the price of a stock 15btl.
  3. fbi90909

    Terrible luck tonight

    does the car have gas? one time my car wouldn't turn over and i ended up having it towed to a mechanic. they ended up finding my car was out of gas(89 cutlas cierra). the needed stopped working properly and read as if i had more then i really had
  4. fbi90909


    yeah you are def going to need more than just a single 1500d. i run 2 1500d's on my single 15 and it impresses. as sacket said get something that you can match with the 1500 in effeciency
  5. fbi90909

    Custom W7?

    negative. you need a recone from JL. if you pick up a cheap motor you may get a recone kit and still be under the actual cost of buying a new speaker in whole.
  6. fbi90909

    Thanks much to those at Fi!

    well as soon as i found out that the website was updated i checked it out and found they had shirts. WOOHOOO!! finally. i ordered 2 on the spot. lol, well today i see my 2 shirts have already arrived and i just wanted to say thanks MUCH and the ship time was superb for non-built items. lol. now i can rep yall out! oh, and my BTL is running strong off the 3k it's getting. lol.
  7. fbi90909

    recone finally finished and done...

    should be fine.
  8. fbi90909

    Can FI recone my 06 RE XXX 15?

    for an SX recone kit it will pretty much be equivilent to the soft parts as an original SX. if you want more power handling or such you will have to send the motor in to have a custom pole peice machined in for it. i believe that's what i was emailed with from a previous recone done a long time ago for an sx 15. i don't remember exactly how much the recone kit cost but i think i paid somewhere around 115-125, but that's because i also needed a new basket.
  9. fbi90909

    04' Civic components

    looks like it turned out well, good job man.
  10. fbi90909

    i think i have a bad cell

    not to be off topic but the a/c on making your car burn more gas has actully been proven to be a myth running the a/c in my car causes strain to my engine and causes me to lose hp. you ever sit at a stop light with your a/c off and just accelerate? the car should pick up quite rapidly. well with my car when i'm sitting at a stop with the a/c on and accelerate the car picks up slower. with the added weight of a btl, a kinetik 2400, 4 amps. lots of 1/0 wire, soundening, and an mdf box all in the trunk doesn't help much either. my car on the highway still gets great mileage, but in the city it's not too great. the "myth" they tested was on a track, they just drove laps. they need to take that myth, and try stop and go traffic.
  11. fbi90909

    Delievered (LOTS of pics)

  12. fbi90909

    i think i have a bad cell

    odd. lotta people having battery issues lately. i today noticed my car didn't like it's startup. usualy when my batteries are charged my car starts up nice and quick. when my batteries are low the car strains to start. well today all day i've been noticing my voltage being pure chit. so i take my car to an advanced auto and have my front stock battery checked to find it was bad. so i ended up having to buy a new battery. :/ now i need to recharge my kinetik. i have to say i hate my cars electrical system. pure chit imo. my voltage never stays at 14.v w/o having to run my a/c which then causes me to burn more gas.
  13. fbi90909

    Custom A-pillars?

    yeah making your own tweeter mounts in your pillars won't be too hard. just takes a little patience. as mentioned above start off with pre positioning the tweets in the pillar and give them a listen. if you feel you are happy with the location then begin working on getting their angles set. what you could do for this step is make a tweeter mounting ring. you can make it out of popcicle sticks or out of mdf(which will be harder). i'd recommend buys some popcicle sticks and cut them maybe 3/4" lenth. then hot glue them side by side while wrapping them around the tweeter. try not to glue them onto the tweeter as you want the tweeter off the finished ring. well after you make a complete ring out of peices of sticks. add another layer on top of it to thicken it up just a bit. mount tweeter in new ring and reposition it on the a pillar . when you have the angle and position you want. take more popcicle sticks and hot glue to the ring onto the pillar with the sticks. after you get the ring on nice and firm you carefully remove the a-pillar from the car w/o taking off the prepositioned ring. when you got them off sand down the edges and surface of the pillar with 200-300grit sand paper to roughen it up. then take a super thin spandex like material and stretch it over the a pillar. an easy way to stretch your fabric is to start at lets say the bottom corner. hot glue the fabric to the back of the pillar. then stretch that same side upwards to the top. make sure you stretch it tightly. when it's at it's maxed stretch point you hot glue the top corner down. after that area is glued just hot glue the rest of the side edge. remember to hot glue all the fabic onto the back of the pillar. after you got the top and bottom of 1 side of the pillar start stretching the fabric over to the other bottom side of the pillar. hot glue that corner down when you got it nice and tight. then stretch and glue while working your way upwards on the rest of the side area untill you reach the top. if i explained that right you should have a nicely stretched fabric over the entire from pillar with no defects. make sure you have a strong bracing hold for the tweeter ring as there is a possibility of having the ring unmount while stretching. cut off excess glue on the back of the pillar. a fast method of gluing is to keep a block of ice on hand. take like hald a can of coke and freeze water in it, when you set the glue into the area just press the ice on top of it. it'll flash cool the hot gue so you can continue working your way around w/o having to wait till the glue cools after the fleecing is down take the pillar and mount it in the car again. make sure it fits and that the front portion of the fleece is not disrupting the mounting. if the front is good to go then it is time to glass. take some resin(i perfer US Composites B440premium resin for any fiberglassing projects) and resin up all the fabric. just don't add resin to the back side of the pillar where you hot glues. just get it up to the edje of the pillar. when dry add another layer of resin. after it dries add a 3rd layer. after that dries you can start adding fiberglass. since this is a small area and you don't want to add tooo much mass i would suggest you use .5oz fiberglass mat. it's thin suff and will work best with curvy items. well add a layer of fiberglass. let it begin to dry up for 30min-1hour. then add another layer of glass. then repeat. after about 4-5 layers let it sit and dry overnight. by morning you should have a strong solid looking pillar with a uniform shape. now that the pillar is ready here is where you decide on what you want to cover it with. do you want to paint it? or do you want to put suede or such material on it? well, get some body filler(i perfer Evercoat rage Gold) and put on an even layer of boy filler all over the front of the pillar. when the body filler dries you need to start sanding it. you can start with 32 grit sand paper to knock it down fast and get it to a desired shape/curve. when you got your shape/curves you start working up the grit. this depends on if your going to be painting or laying fabric. if your going to put fabric over it then you can just sand it up to 200grit to remove and deep gashes from the rougher paper. if you want to paint it. you will be doing A LOT of sanding. sand it witht he 32., then bump up the the next grit. and so forth till your wet sanding with 1000-1500 grit. after your done with sanding. paint or cover your pillar. cut off the excess fabric off the back and remove the hot glue. if you have a heat gun it will speed up the removal process. use a razor blade to cut the fabric close to the back of the edge and you should be done. just drill a hole to run the tweet wires and just put in the tweet. lol. i think i covered all the steps. this is how i would do a project of mounting tweets in the a pillars. i'm sure others have different methods as well. if you do decide on fiberglassing and need some advice on how to just ask. i love fiberglassing. it's easy and fun! oh, and if you do decide to do the project, please please take this into consideration, PATIENCE IS KEY! be patient. it's not a 1 day project. and if your going to paint. don't skimp on the sanding cause your tired. do i right!
  14. fbi90909

    The rebuild of my 05 Civic

    oh yeah. and as i was removing rim of the car to gain access to the alt i discovered this on my rims center cap cover. those mother puckers at sears dented the holy hell out of it. now i gotta buy a new one