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Everything posted by Peteyglad

  1. Peteyglad

    Aaron and his lady friend!!!

    I second that comment
  2. Peteyglad

    car audio history 101

    All very informative. THE man was Fakuda though. He is the man who brought us the term "burp." His system was designed for SQ and SPL and did very well at both. And this was at a time where no adjustments were allowed between rounds.
  3. Peteyglad

    video test

  4. Peteyglad

    mtx 1501d...

    After the box impendance rise I think you will be ok. But don't quote me
  5. Peteyglad

    Old Newbie

    Guess my post count is low, I am still a Newb: B)
  6. Peteyglad

    I am Here

    My news is better:) Good to have you and your knowledge on board. Good luck tomorrow in Oswego! Go Team SS. Damn, thought I would never hear myself say that. LOL.
  7. Peteyglad

    I am Here

    Does that qualify as news? I think so:)
  8. Peteyglad

    Old Newbie

    Team-SS. Chris, nice to se you again. If anyone has any questions Fusion, let this guy know!
  9. Peteyglad

    Stroker 18

    Can't remember how long it lasted. I don't think it was too long though, maybe 20 sec.
  10. Peteyglad


    LOl,guess it is good I caught you on a good day:)
  11. Peteyglad


    That is why the post of the non-vented magnet. He just wanted to see a pic of the non-vented variety. And as for the purpose, yes, it is to help cooling. This CSX was made for burps only, so thus, cooling is not necessary.
  12. Peteyglad


    That is the idea:) No vent.
  13. The Big Oki and his Zapco 9.0's Still laugh at it since it is soooo true.
  14. Peteyglad


    Ok, here is a pic for all the whiners out there about the vented polepiece:)
  15. Peteyglad

    Another Contestant on the X

    Had m bud Regal1975 stop over yesterday and try out the Linear X. He has 2 Kicker 10" L7's with 1100 RMS on each one. He has them in a small Nissan truck with the rear glass removed and the subs right there. 2 subs on the pass side and the port on the right. Ended up doing a 144.7 on the dash. All he could say was Evil X
  16. Peteyglad

    Opening Day

    Opening dy for the archery deer season is upon us. I will be going out the 1st day which is Saturday here in Ga. Anyone else hunt?
  17. Peteyglad

    Sub Porn

    Here is a link to a sub that is the same as the RE, it is the Adire Audio Parthenon. Um. WOW. http://www.adireaudio.com/Files/Dan/Parthenon/
  18. Peteyglad

    Opening Day

    Yeah, we count both sides. Sounds more impressive:) I didn't see a damn thing. Oh well, maybe next time. That is a big ellk. I bet they had trouble getting it out of there. Try that without the quad!
  19. Peteyglad

    Favorite show

    What has been your favorite show you have attended, not necessarily competed in? I would say the best show (besides SBN) would be the first show at Ft. Drum, NY back in July of '00. It was a smaller IASCA show hosted by Terry Floyd. There were maybe 25 or so SPL cars and about 10 or so SQ cars. I met a lot of people at that show that wound up being good friends. Highlights from the show. I had the high SPL for the day at 151.0 I caught my car on fire! 2 of my other buddy;s got 1st in their respected SQ classes Here is a buddy's truck that won one of the pro classes. He went on to IASCA Finals that year. Real sweet truck.
  20. Peteyglad

    More 15's

    Here is a pic of two more of my 15" subs. This one was my old Kove Armageddon 15" with my old DD 9515. Can you guess which is which? LOL.
  21. Peteyglad

    Great post icons

    Ever wanted to say that perfect thing but didn't have a clue how, well here are a few great ones. I am sure most of these have been around, but let's make one collection.
  22. Peteyglad

    Favorite show

    LOL, yeah, that was Davis' old truck. Very sweet truck with Kicker amps, Pioneer subs, Diamond components, and Eclipse for the source.
  23. Peteyglad

    Future plans!!!

    Sounds big, best of luck to you!
  24. Peteyglad

    Compression Loading

    I read half of it. Time to take a break and read the other half. Thanks for the info.
  25. Peteyglad

    Compression Loading

    Tought to explain, but here it goes. I plan on using an 18" sub in my car. Due to size restraints it will be firing up into the lid of the trunk. Now, has anyone tried to make a baffle to go on top of the sub? The baffle would be touching the box at the back of the trunk and be touching the very top of the trunk at the front of the trunk. The baffle would span the entire length of the trunk. The sub would then fire into the baffle and create compression loading like in a hatchback. Damn, that is tough to understand. If anyone knows what I am talking about and has a better explanation than please feel free to elaborate. I just drew it up quick. I am just wondering if the sub is too close to the baffle that it will not compress the waves too much and not redirect them forward.