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Aaron Clinton

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Aaron Clinton last won the day on September 2 2023

Aaron Clinton had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

2,372 SSA Pro

About Aaron Clinton

  • Rank
    SSAudio Level 17
  • Birthday 06/02/1977

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Aaron Houston Clinton
  • Gender
  • Location
    SSA Inc. HQ-East
  • Interests
    Performance auto's, American Speakers, my family, photography, collector amps, good music, and this place!!
  • Vehicle
    LexusIS300 Manual & RX-8

Recent Profile Visitors

181,282 profile views
  1. Aaron Clinton

    Total newbie here

    Welcome back.
  2. Aaron Clinton

    2021 Volkswagen Passat Rline

    Good to see SSA in the build.
  3. Aaron Clinton

    2017 Audi Q3 stereo upgrade

    Any April updates?
  4. Aaron Clinton

    2017 Audi Q3 stereo upgrade

    Looking forward to this build!!
  5. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Wow, very sorry for the loss. My mother passed last summer. So I can completely understand what you are feeling.
  6. Aaron Clinton

    SSA Zcon 12

    The new model is a slightly revised version. So the sound is pretty much the same, just the options and slight increase in motor force.
  7. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You to sir!
  8. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving.
  9. Aaron Clinton

    Hey all!

    Hi Dan from Wisconsin.
  10. Can you explain more as to how it is set up now and was tuned initially?
  11. Aaron Clinton

    Stupefied by power needs

    Welcome to SSA. First off, why do you have 20,000 watts of power needs?
  12. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I am the dock hand for the boys to go fishing in the job boat.
  13. Aaron Clinton

    Boston Volvo Cars

    I assume you are here just to use my site for free advertising?