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About teoulennon

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  1. teoulennon

    SSA Demon vs IDQ10v4 vs JL 10w3

    I’m really glad you said that - I sent him an email earlier today asking what the port area of the box was, I was curious how well they were tuned. Now you’ve got me thinking about some 8’s ported rather than 10’s. Just out of curiosity, is it possible to unseal your ports? You aren’t curious what it’d sound like? The reviews of the box seem to be positive overall.
  2. teoulennon

    SSA Demon vs IDQ10v4 vs JL 10w3

    I gotcha. Have you thought about porting them? I was going to try the idq10’s ported w a fox acoustics box for my f250 - 2.04ft tuned to 36hz. Here’s a link to some f150 boxes
  3. teoulennon

    SSA Demon vs IDQ10v4 vs JL 10w3

    What kind of set up do you have your idq's running? And what kind of output are you getting with them now? The single sa10 is my benchmark, and I'm happy with the output of it at the frequency it plays loudest, so if they're as loud/louder I'll consider them a win.
  4. teoulennon

    SSA Demon vs IDQ10v4 vs JL 10w3

    Thanks. Can you elaborate on what you mean by peaky? They look smoother than the sa10 modeled and from what I understand the idq is known to have a pretty smooth frequency response. Any suggestions for other drivers I should look into? being limited to 6" mounting depth and 2.04ft kindof limits my options. Sundown sa10 specs: RE (Ohms) 4.29 7.08 FS (Hz) 35.4 36.6 VAS (L) 10.13 10.66 Qes 0.52 0.54 Qms 5.41 5.30 Qts 0.48 0.49 Le (mH) 3.41 4.71 BL (NA) 20.40 24.82 Mms (Grams) 230 205 Cms (uM/N) 87.8 92.4 Sens (dB @ 1w/1m) 81.0 81.6
  5. I have a 2.05ft box tuned to 36hz for 2 10" drivers. I had 1 sa10 in a 1ft box tuned to 35hz and it's way too peaky for my tastes - shakes the whole car on lows but has hardly any output at higher frequencies, so music sounds "uneven". I'm trying to find a sub that has a smoother frequency response and sq but still gets decent spl. I've graphed 1 of each sub below, in a 1ft box tuned to 36hz (w/ the sa10 for reference). Each is at their recommended rms. I have no idea why the Demon is so off - I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong but I've triple checked all t/s numbers (if someone wants to try and graph that one for me feel free!) I'm limited to a max mounting depth of 6". Thoughts? red = demon black = 10w3 blue = idq10v4 green = sa10
  6. Long story short - I have a '19 f250 underseat box with 2 10" 2.2ft tuned to 36hz. and am trying to decide on drivers for it. I have a Sundown sa10 in a 1ft box tuned to 35hz - I'm happy with the lows but it drops off in the higher frequencies quick - in songs with a lot of dynamic bass frequencies I can barely hear bass in some parts and other parts it shakes the car, so it feels "uneven" during the song. I'm looking for a setup with loudness but also smoother over a larger frequency range. I've modeled an idq10, jl 10w3 and Sa10. in 1.1ft box tuned to 36hz (below). When I change the idq10 to two drivers and double the volume (2.2ft) the graph doesn't change. Shouldn't the dB go up? I figure that if I want the loudness of 1 sa10 but also a smoother frequency range I could go with 2 idq10's. Am I way off base here? Blue is sa10 Green is idq10 Orange is jl 10w3
  7. teoulennon

    thoughts on my sa-10 enclosure?

    damn, I thought for sure I had solved all the world's problems with my brilliant design I guess it's time to experiment with a 4" port. If I can't get it to work I'll just have to go with a passive radiator. Thanks for the help guys, I'll be back with results soon enough!
  8. teoulennon

    thoughts on my sa-10 enclosure?

    Great, you guys have been a big help! Seeing as how it's more expensive, slightly more complicated, and I'd also have to squeeze a 12" in the box, I'd really like to save pr as a last resort - porting is tricky enough for this newbie Do you think it would be possible to make the box have a side-firing slot port like this? RE audio box calculator - note that I would make the port exit the side, not the bottom as it looks in the pic.. If the port were to be 13" long that would be far enough away from the sub right? Also, with the slot port being 2", it would avoid compression and make the port area 13 which would be adequate right? What do you think?
  9. teoulennon

    thoughts on my sa-10 enclosure?

    Sounds like I should try one. I've just spent some time looking for more info on them. I get the basic idea but I can't find any info on how to actually build a box to needed specs or a calculator that can help. Know of any sites that can help?
  10. teoulennon

    thoughts on my sa-10 enclosure?

    Wow, what a box! A passive radiator was also suggested to me by a buddy, I'll have to look into them. I'm still not quite sure how or what I would use to make the port/elbows. Ideas?
  11. teoulennon

    thoughts on my sa-10 enclosure?

    I'm not quite sure I understand your explanation. Are you saying to measure the outside length of the 90 degree bends then add 4 inches? I came across this measurement formula: (outside + inside) / 2 Is this correct? Any suggestions on what materials to use for the port?
  12. teoulennon

    thoughts on my sa-10 enclosure?

    I see. Looks like it's back to doing research calculating port bends. Any thoughts on the best way/method to get the 180 degree bend? I can't picture a precision port and pvc elbow getting along well together.
  13. teoulennon

    thoughts on my sa-10 enclosure?

    Thanks Quent, It's good to know I can work with angles, although I would prefer not to. It was also suggested that I use a 3" aeroport. I was told that as long as I stayed around rated power for the sa-10 port noise likely wouldn't be a problem. If I did so, the port would be more like around 14" Thoughts?
  14. teoulennon

    thoughts on my sa-10 enclosure?

    Thanks Alton, what a huge help! It looks like this may get more complicated than I would have liked Do you have any other suggestions for ports besides using 90 degree bends? Apparently I could protrude the port from the box a little but only about 3 inches max before getting too close to the side of the car. Whether this would be enough to clear the woofer in the box I'm not sure.
  15. I've decided to try a ported enclosure for my sa-10 just for kicks. I'm thinking 1.0ft^3 tuned to around 33hz. I'm not set on 33hz, it's somewhat of a guess as to what may sound good - I'm going for sq more than spl and listen to all genres so I need it to give me the accurate punch of rock as well as the lows in rap. My box is limited to a size of 8"d x 13h x 33"w The sub will pretty much be right up against the rear shelf of the car behind the passenger seats in a porsche 911 so I was thinking it would be better to go with a side firing aeroport over a rectangular port. My box would measure roughly 8"d x 12.5"h x 31"w, making it 1.12ft^3 after sub displacement, this would be subject to change based on the displacement of the aeroport (which I don't know yet). Using PSP's port calculator, with a 4" aeroport, I would need a port length of 25.8" to tune to 33hz. I'm afraid the sub would interfere with a port this long. So, am I on the right track here or just way off base? Can aeroports be configured to be that long?