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Everything posted by R3dt34rz

  1. Missing Link Audio and check out the MLA module. They make one with selective voltage to charge at 15.1 then higher at 16 volts when selected.
  2. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    As said via PM and FB, I have been trying to find out. Will call them again tomorrow. Yep bro I got ya PM. I'm about to be bass-less soon. Sadly I have to return those Zcons back to owner soon. It's been fun, but she's ready to get them installed in her ride. Appreciate what you're doing for us waiting.
  3. R3dt34rz

    SSA/Crescendo Van Install from Japan

    I was just in Yokosuka. I travel throughout the country with work.
  4. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Aaron, Can we get an estimated ship time on these late orders. It's been a 4 month wait as of today.
  5. R3dt34rz

    I think I broke it....please advise

    Yea set to ohms.
  6. R3dt34rz

    I think I broke it....please advise

    Will tell you if both coils are working properly. Go through with the tests of taking a ohms reading and trying the 9v battery on the coils as mentioned. You will know for sure then.
  7. R3dt34rz

    I think I broke it....please advise

    9 volt battery positive/negative to positive/negative on each side of the speaker to see if you get movement with the sub. This would indicate coils are good. I would try the DMM you have, and see what you get. In the future you can always get a better one, like Craftsman, or something similar. Fluke is the king of DMMs. Wal-mart is said to carry a good model DMM also, but I couldn't tell you since mine is from Craftsman.
  8. R3dt34rz

    I think I broke it....please advise

    I heard a sub bottom out and it is a terrible sound to hear. Like a loud "clacking" noise. Break out the DMM and ohm those bad boys out as mentioned earlier. How do you have your SSF set? Were you running full tilt or what? Clipping?
  9. Two runs of 1/0 awg, both pos and ground. Run a D3100 in the rear. Two runs will be plenty and then some in case your system grows and you decide to strap another 3500d
  10. R3dt34rz


    No probz Axe. I checked out your vids man, xcons getting wicked. Good stuff man.
  11. R3dt34rz


    Bigjon mentioned DJ Slow N Throw. You can find download links (copy and paste) here: http://www.djsnt.com/#all
  12. R3dt34rz


    Decaf is good stuff. Most of it is "clean", which has been said early on. I bump it all the time, just because alot of it slams so low. I've never had an issue with clipping, and I sometimes run it near full tilt. Get all 31 zip files and enjoy it.
  13. R3dt34rz

    Teaser vids

    Dope vids, keep em coming man. They will only get better, at least that's the way I think of it.
  14. R3dt34rz

    dual 15s enclosure design??

    My bad guys, didn't know it was a pick up.
  15. R3dt34rz

    dual 15s enclosure design??

    Double baffle, subs up / port back.
  16. The new Brz line is already out, my buddy runs a 2400d. I would say try something different like Crescendo BC2k or AQ2200d.
  17. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Officially going on 4 months next week.
  18. R3dt34rz

    2003 Camry sitting too low

    Accuair makes a kit that will work with your car but it maybe a tad expensive. If the car isn't sitting rediculously low, I would drop the front and put a nice set of wheels. If not ,then air would be the way to go. http://www.autoanything.com/suspension-systems/Toyota/Camry/111A50469A50614A0A17A84A1.aspx Youtube vid
  19. Pioneers are awesome, I have the 9400bh and like it alot. The only reason I'm taking it out is due to upgrading to the AVH P8400 next to my desk. Just waiting on the bypass and I will install here soon.
  20. R3dt34rz

    SSA Reppin HARD @ SBN 2013

  21. R3dt34rz

    Overall louder sub for the money

    New enclosure or dual Icons/Xcons ported in 7 cubes tuned to 33hz.
  22. A little digging around man, top notch 80prs. http://www.****/forum/head-units-processors-eqs/148162-pioneer-deh-80prs-minty.html http://www.ebay.com/itm/PIONEER-DEH-P9400BH-CD-RECEIVER-BUILT-IN-BLUETOOTH-HD-RADIO-DEHP9400BH-B-/330895579603?pt=Car_Audio_In_Dash_Receivers&hash=item4d0ae9d9d3 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pioneer-DEH-80PRS-CD-MP3-In-Dash-Receiver-/171012259301?pt=Car_Audio_In_Dash_Receivers&hash=item27d11ffde5
  23. Did you disconnect the subs from the amp and take a ohms reading at the enclosure terminals? You should be seeing 1 ohm reading there, Then pos/neg into the amp afterward. Those subs should be pounding with that 3500.
  24. R3dt34rz

    Mike McEwan's Monster 157db Ground Pounder

    That setup looks dope. I like how clean the wiring job is.