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About timtriangle

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  1. timtriangle

    Sundown sa15

    would i be good to run the sa15 sealed at 2.75 cu.ft with saz 1000d and how wil it sound...
  2. timtriangle

    Up close and personal with my GCON

    hi do you have the design of the box you used
  3. timtriangle

    gcon or sundown e series

    which is the best ported i can used for it
  4. timtriangle

    gcon or sundown e series

    what shall be the best for the gcon 12 in sealed or ported
  5. which should be louder and better for one sub running with autotek mm1-1500d gcon 10 or sundown e10
  6. timtriangle

    sundown e series

    how long dit you played that the sub getting hot.. 45 minute drives. If you don't drive that much i wouldnt be worried about it im not driving that much long i drive around 10-25 minutes
  7. timtriangle

    sundown e series

    how long dit you played that the sub getting hot..
  8. timtriangle

    sundown e series

    autotek mm1-1500d
  9. timtriangle

    sundown e series

    hmm i understand but i play with a stock 40 ampere battery and a external shuriken 80 battery
  10. timtriangle

    sundown e series

    no capacitor but a second battery i run
  11. timtriangle

    sundown e series

    looking for a box design for one e8v3 ported
  12. timtriangle

    sundown e series

    i plant to play 2 e8v3 or one sd 12 which of these should be better or louder
  13. timtriangle

    sundown e series

    what is the difference between e8v3 and the e10 and which should be louder with a 1400 rms rated amp
  14. timtriangle

    sd-2 12

    which is the best enclosure to build for the sd-2 12
  15. timtriangle

    sd-2 12

    best for loud and low bass