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Everything posted by garychurch84

  1. garychurch84

    Dustcap issues w/recone

    Pro tip... Nice. Will remember that for sure done all this...minus the gloves
  2. garychurch84

    Dustcap issues w/recone

    nah..haven't gotten back around to it
  3. garychurch84

    EMF 18 with PSI recone

    Always talkin about my phone lol. Its bad ass . .I'm about to start taking up donations to get you a real phone.I got 5 on it..Lol his phone is so old and busted. He took it to Verizon and tried to trade it in and asked how much could he get for it. They told him that he would have to give them $20 to take it.Did it have Jesus's number in the contacts Lol idk but the Smithsonian is interested in it. lmao.....I haven't seen a flip phone since Moby Dick was a minnow I using it untill it dont work anymore lol . Verizon keeps texting and calling trying to get me to get a smart phone Hey..if it ain't broke don't fix it
  4. garychurch84

    EMF 18 with PSI recone

    Always talkin about my phone lol. Its bad ass . .I'm about to start taking up donations to get you a real phone.I got 5 on it..Lol his phone is so old and busted. He took it to Verizon and tried to trade it in and asked how much could he get for it. They told him that he would have to give them $20 to take it.Did it have Jesus's number in the contacts Lol idk but the Smithsonian is interested in it. lmao.....I haven't seen a flip phone since Moby Dick was a minnow
  5. garychurch84

    Dustcap issues w/recone

    this is a zcon as well... Definitely looks like shit lol
  6. garychurch84

    Dustcap issues w/recone

    The T/S parameters change (sometimes a lot) after the soft parts fully break in. This will change the the impedance curve and thus your load presented to the amplifier will be different. makes sence to me....thanks for the input
  7. garychurch84

    Dustcap issues w/recone

    yes...ordered the kit from fixmyspeaker.comCame w/activator,rubberized,CA glue I did a recone for someone a while ago and he ordered from there and I had problems with the glue. . Never had a problem with glue from ssa yes...ordered the kit from fixmyspeaker.comCame w/activator,rubberized,CA glue I did a recone for someone a while ago and he ordered from there and I had problems with the glue. . Never had a problem with glue from ssa the ca got hard as a rock,it pulled the top layer of the cone loose
  8. garychurch84

    Dustcap issues w/recone

    yes...ordered the kit from fixmyspeaker.comCame w/activator,rubberized,CA glue
  9. garychurch84

    Dustcap issues w/recone

    the epoxy didn't set well on one side of cap for some reason You mean it didn't harden?not completely
  10. garychurch84

    Dustcap issues w/recone

    the epoxy didn't set well on one side of cap for some reason
  11. garychurch84

    Dustcap issues w/recone

    didn't work
  12. garychurch84

    should I be worried?

    Another battery wouldn't hurt,also do you have the big three done? Also IMO I think those ZV4's would be happier w/lower tuning! They are Geared for low end output in stock form.

    1. ohio45113


      Lol yeah they can be a pain in the ass

    2. garychurch84
  14. garychurch84

    odd numbers vs even numbers

    All in the install! Don't see where a x amount of sub's would have anything to do with sounding good. 2 sub's in the right box can sound better/louder in the right enclosure than 4 four in a shitty one!
  15. garychurch84

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  16. garychurch84

    Car Audio Shop

    Only used my local shop for a little meter time,before and after deadening an maybe a fuse purchase. They told me they never heard of my SSA sub's,long story short..FI doesnt build sub's,,that Atomic audio builds all of FI products! They said!!!! Lol
  17. garychurch84

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Cut a MDF ring out to fit the surround landing,an clamp it after glue to insure it lays down good
  18. garychurch84

    subsonic filter how low to set?

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/61253-ssf-and-lpf-on-the-cresendo-bc2000d/ Read the 6th post in that thread
  19. garychurch84

    Is this how recones are normally shipped?

    My zcon recone had blandex or however its spelled lol mounted inside the box with a peace of wood screwed to it,just small enough to go thru the center of voicecoil w foam pading in there.it had another peace of blandex screwed to it on top
  20. garychurch84

    PSi Audio?

    Can I ask how misalignment of the moving assembly has to do with setting the gains? x2
  21. garychurch84

    2 12 dss ethos (new build)

    Are you using one of those Kreg jigs to screw the inside of the box like that?Yes sir. Nice! I've been eyeing one of those for a little while.I bought the rip cut attachment the other day,haven't gotten the chance to use it yet.Nice job so far!
  22. garychurch84

    2 12 dss ethos (new build)

    Are you using one of those Kreg jigs to screw the inside of the box like that?
  23. garychurch84

    Help w/ZCON 15 enclosure

    98 Pontiac gtp (1) SSA ZCON 15 BC2000D for power Have big three done in 1/0 welding cable same for power and ground 250a singer alt 36"W X 15"H X 28"D is my max space to work with Thinking I want tuning around 35hz slot port All opinions are appreciated Let me know if I left anything out Thx guys
  24. garychurch84

    Help w/ZCON 15 enclosure

    I'll try plugging it into winisd later..still have a little trouble with it.
  25. garychurch84

    Help w/ZCON 15 enclosure

    bc2000d for power...I gave these measurements 36w x 15h x 28d. He dropped the h to 14 and depth to 26