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Everything posted by garychurch84

  1. garychurch84


  2. garychurch84

    unboxing my icons

    From the album: 98 gtp SSA,Crescendo build

    was really amazed to see what these icons looked like in person
  3. garychurch84

    HELP!!!! W/ head unit

    awesome,I'd take care of that loose wire tho
  4. garychurch84

    HELP!!!! W/ head unit

    Might want to consider going to a junk yard and trying to get as much of an end as you can then wire that together, then you can just use a harness to attach your radio and you'll be sure everything is connected correctly. +1 Or this
  5. garychurch84

    HELP!!!! W/ head unit

    me too!lol very picky on that
  6. garychurch84

    HELP!!!! W/ head unit

    Get a test light or multi meter or wiggy etc.turn key off fin.d the wire that still has power.hook the yellow there.now you need to find the wire that has power only with key on.red goes there
  7. garychurch84


    I just wanted to say thx for all the help all you have given me over the past year.There's a lot of good info here.Keep up the good work.
  8. garychurch84

    2 icons and 6x9's

    I second this recommendation. Me 3. lol I know guys.was goin to eventually lol.thought about putting them in my front doors somehow to late for that.
  9. garychurch84

    2 icons and 6x9's

    I would prolly be happy with those,just can't afford anything at the moment.laidoff.I will be hitting the SSA store when the time comes tho.or you if you still have those
  10. garychurch84

    2 icons and 6x9's

    factory,I think it 6.5's and tweeters on the doors next to the a pillars
  11. garychurch84

    2 icons and 6x9's

    that's been my plan for awhile now.funds have been tight for sometime now
  12. garychurch84

    2 icons and 6x9's

    thx,they did their part.I've had them for about 8 years.now I have an excuss to update my door speakers just gotta research for some good ones
  13. garychurch84

    2 icons and 6x9's

    yea to me that would be common sensce.figured i'd ask anyway.thx
  14. garychurch84

    General problems code 36

    only thing I can update are my apps.I got straight talk lookin into it
  15. garychurch84

    General problems code 36

    Does anyone have any idea what or why I get this on a regular basis when I text?Been on Google on an off all morning.One person said its caused from not having anymore credits,which is BS.I put new card on it yesterday.Damn straight talk.My phone is an LG Optimus Zip.Any info would be great
  16. garychurch84

    SP4 15 box design help

  17. garychurch84


    Amazon,local audio dealer,etc
  18. garychurch84

    serious line noise with MINOTAUR II

    I had this problem too.fixed it pretty easy.ran another ground to my head unit
  19. 80hz is what i'd like it set at.I'm pretty sure I'm close.my ssf is my main concern.didn't want it playin much below my box tuning
  20. I used a 30hz decaf track to set ssf.not real sure about the lpf
  21. garychurch84

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    So is this thread just for BSing?I been here for about a year now an just now checkin this out lol
  22. garychurch84

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I still have urges, but it is not terribly bad. I have not had a cig in 11 days. That isn't bad considering I smoked just shy of 2 packs a day. It's all a head game.stay focused you'll be fine.I quit cold turkey prolly 8+ years ago