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Everything posted by garychurch84

  1. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    Thx Q
  2. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    I keep reading about ratios like 2:1 for example for every cube sealed use 2 cubes on the ported side. Last topic I seen about a 4th order guy came in sayin he wanted to do a 4th for a sundown use useing X ratio,poor guy got throwed under the bus lol. 4th order seems to be a touchy subject here lol so I'm treading lightly
  3. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

  4. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    that calculator is pretty damn close to doing it by hand. Remember Winisd doesn't model bandpasses correctly. It seems to make the gain on the low side. I calculated about 10 by hand using the Loudspeaker cookbook and the car stereo calculator was extremely close on all of them Maybe I don't understand how this works just yet lol,I'll take that back I know I don't.Vr and Vf seemed like a lot of cubes for the icons or is that not what this ?
  5. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    I found this calculator during my research looks to be BS.What do you all think? http://www.carstereo.com/help/Articles.cfm?id=27
  6. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    I wouldn't mind trying it,I know jack squat about box design tho.I'll search a little to see what I can find.
  7. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    I think it was a 4th order like mentioned earlier,I think there was pic give me a sec
  8. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    This what I started out talking about.Would benefit any from firing my port thru here?
  9. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    that's not a bad idea
  10. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    If you are planning a comp "Burp" or 30 sec SPL enclosure I'd suggest tuning WAY higher than 44 htz ...tbh I think I just wanna be a bit louder than my current setup I may only compete a few times a year.I want to get a good bit of exp before I get that deep in
  11. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    The demensions I posted in the in the first quote is the absolute biggest that can go in my car,anything bigger will have to be built in the trunk. I'm wanting to to tune around cabin gain which is 40ish I don't know the exact sweet spot.while I was searching google I found one guy on SMD said. His 98 gtp peak at 44hz I know the Icons aren't really spl but I feel there's more numbers to be had.this box will only be used when I decide to compete
  12. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    I know that stuff is sticky as hell
  13. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    I've also been thinking about this box being more for numbers if that changes anything
  14. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    lol,hmmm didn't think to try it in the rear deck
  15. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    deadening? No sir,not yetJust"Great Stuff" in the trunk lid
  16. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    So stay with what I have
  17. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    I just don't wanna spend $200+ on a box and it not benefit me any.As for the rear deck I'm already about rip that noisy sob out lol.
  18. garychurch84

    Port location,Opinions needed

    which ever would work best,I was gonna have subs facing back seats an port firing thru armrest
  19. garychurch84

    square VC subsN

    This may be a stupid thread or question or both.I was curious if. anyone out there has designed a square vc sub?Would there be any pros and cons if it was/could be done?Sorry if this is waste,I woke up with this random thought for some odd reason lol. That N is soppose to be a ? mark.in the title
  20. garychurch84

    square VC subsN

    I don't see anything good by using a square voice coil. Round is the best way to go!I can agree with this,say a 2' round coil wouldn't have as much area as the 2' square coil.but I dunno lol. This was a random thought I woke up with yesterday figured some of the tech guys would have a little input on it http://www.goto-denshi.com/product-square-wire-melit.html square wire is better. Subwoofers with flat wire are already being produced, he is asking about square coils.thank you.lolIts all good this is a dead subject if it could be done/or be better it would happened by now
  21. garychurch84

    square VC subsN

    I don't see anything good by using a square voice coil. Round is the best way to go! I can agree with this,say a 2' round coil wouldn't have as much area as the 2' square coil.but I dunno lol. This was a random thought I woke up with yesterday figured some of the tech guys would have a little input on it
  22. garychurch84

    square VC subsN

    Lol,I asked if it cab be done if so what would be the pros/cons of such a coil?not if anyone has ecer seem them lol.stay om point!haha
  23. garychurch84

    Pics of the engines I work on and with...

    I only read the first page!Would love to have job doing something like that.awesome!
  24. garychurch84

    Stock electrical vs crescendo bc2000

    Not yet,I'll order more wire when I order my alternator etc.in a few weeks until then taking it easy.
  25. garychurch84

    Stock electrical vs crescendo bc2000

    Didn't record long.don't like doin that,wanted to show people can't just throw an amp THIS SIZE OR LARGER on stock electrical.