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Everything posted by garychurch84

  1. garychurch84

    98 grandprix,SSA,Crescendo,build

    Thanks man.Its been a slow go but I'm happy so far.I still got some sound deadening to do.
  2. garychurch84

    98 grandprix,SSA,Crescendo,build

    That's from my box beiing slightly to big to fit in the trunk
  3. garychurch84

    98 grandprix,SSA,Crescendo,build

    I'll get Windows 8 and Photobucket figured out one of these days.lol
  4. garychurch84

    98 grandprix,SSA,Crescendo,build

  5. garychurch84

    98 grandprix,SSA,Crescendo,build

    Messing around after alternator install voltage drops to 13.2vdc <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid1304.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fs525%2Fgarychurch84%2FMobile%2520Uploads%2F0309141805_zps46afeefe.mp4">
  6. garychurch84

    98 grandprix,SSA,Crescendo,build

    Finally got my alternator in,installed it today.
  7. garychurch84

    Freezefest 2014

    That'll do it lol
  8. Here is a small video I found if anyone has anything else feel free to post it. http://m.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=6CtNyqTkdM8
  9. garychurch84

    Happy Birthday ///M5

    Happy B Day
  10. garychurch84

    Freezefest 2014

  11. garychurch84

    Freezefest 2014

  12. garychurch84

    Freezefest 2014

  13. garychurch84

    Freezefest 2014

  14. garychurch84

    Freezefest 2014

  15. garychurch84

    Freezefest 2014

  16. garychurch84

    Random YouTubes

    LMAO! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cC1-iXi8IpM
  17. garychurch84

    Caption this

    Caption this
  18. garychurch84

    Caption this

    Bahahaha!Was funny to me,would hate to be that chick lol http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2jXUVKUSF34
  19. garychurch84

    Caption this

  20. garychurch84

    Please welcome SoundQubed to the SSA forums

    Welcome over
  21. garychurch84

    Loudspeaker Design Cookbook

    I agree this is my goto spot!
  22. garychurch84

    Freezefest 2014

    lol my computer is being BS youtube look up freezefest 2014 pt1-pt5 if anyone can load them much thx
  23. garychurch84

    Freezefest 2014

    ?hmm still don't work
  24. garychurch84

    Freezefest 2014
