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About djphatbone

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  1. djphatbone

    amp problems

    @ HISPLS - we also test it on other car. and still the same. we tested on other amp no problem at all.
  2. djphatbone

    amp problems

    @ J- ROADTATTS - yes same noise on different amp, it's even louder on the kronos @ BROMO - i'm testing it in a normal car sq setup. it's the first time i encounter this kind of problem. with the other amps that i'm selling havn't encounter any of this problem. i'm using an ECLIPSE cd7000 with no line driver it goes straight to the amp. @ ROLLER - yes Mr. Mantz also sent me some parts to fix the amp but it won't work either.
  3. djphatbone

    amp problems

    sir i tested all the amp i purchase. and it all have the same issues. i'm the distributor of ZED audio here in the philippines, that's why my stock was left for a long time because of the testing that we're doing.
  4. djphatbone

    amp problems

    it was done when the volume is at 0 volume. this problem happens when you turn on the headunit not while playing music
  5. djphatbone

    amp problems

    has anyone encounter leviathan and kronos issues? the amp will protect and pop noise from the time you open you headunit it won't go back to normal unless you turn it off and on again. the other thing is when you go full active. theres a noise coming out from the speakers. i tested all my purchase amp and all 10 of them has the same issues. maybe some advice on what to do or what ae the remedy on this problem. many thanks
  6. djphatbone

    jazz mugen

    port is facing inside the car so that i can play loud even the trunks are open.
  7. djphatbone

    jazz mugen

    yes sir chop, 43hz, at this tuning you can play house , rock and rnb with a lil hard hitting.
  8. djphatbone

    jazz mugen

    here are the videos:
  9. djphatbone

    jazz mugen

    H.U - pioneer avh 4150 Electronic x-over - pressence 4xo Front speaker - Ciare CM 205ND and Ciare CT 267 Sub - (2) AA Arsenal 12 Amp for mids and hi's - Sundown audio SAX100.4 bridged for mids and Sundown audio SAX 100.2 for the hi's Amp for sub - Sundown audio SAZ 1500d Battery - front: XS s975 rear: XS d3400 this system was built for loud and clear purpose and can play all type of music. box is tuned at 43hz . here are some of the builds ...enjoy
  10. djphatbone

    Zed Audio new production

    stephen, please check your email about my inquiry of your amps thanks Alvin
  11. djphatbone


    thank you sir
  12. djphatbone


    anyone from fi? no email no answer on thread?
  13. djphatbone

    Lots of 18s

    jacob, was that a 4th order bandpass?
  14. djphatbone


    scott or nick have you read my emails? i already emailed you but no reply yet. i was asking about the recone, and email me the delivery invoice.
  15. djphatbone

    Lots of 18s

    was that a 4th order bandpasss?