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Everything posted by ddeitz

  1. ddeitz

    Mach 5 Audio Recones

    little off topic but still about recones...hows that paper weight left at your house from me doing
  2. ddeitz

    IXL-15 Designs

    mark i see you have not learned your lesson about, do not put things that might break on top of big bertha there:P but nice box non the less
  3. i like to 2x post:(
  4. ddeitz

    I need new headphones.

    i have a pair of the sr80's so its the same ear peice as the rest of the grado's and i love them too a few months to break in but the sound is unreal for the price of them and they get pretty damm loud if you have them amped. I love them and could not be more happy, the bass is great the price was right but im sure to the average person you would be happy with a comfy pair out of the box.
  5. ddeitz

    A few Shots

    i know the pre order was $250 i have no idea what the retail will be, but knowing Mach 5 it will priced alot lower then other drivers of the same quality.
  6. ddeitz

    A few Shots

    party at marks place this weekend?
  7. nice work like always, i like how you tell the truth about products and dont try to sell people on 1 or the other and just say it like it really is. keep up the good work
  8. ddeitz

    some of my new sexy toys came in the other day

    RE in a visionik box, hah thats all i can say should sound great though
  9. ddeitz

    Wall with 4 MJ 18s

    LOL get rid of the rattles and you will get louder yea that i do, but question about the hair tricks what the secret your only 1-2 db higher and doin hair tricks no problem u said well i beat you too it, 1 ticket for unnecessary noise it was...id say a 134 or so and i was pulled over...pretty bad joke almost makes me wanna cry wasnt even turned up and it was on premiscuious girl....like pucking comeon.... *tear i didnt have it turned up cause i had a gf in the car it was just barley too loud to talk over....
  10. ddeitz

    Wall with 4 MJ 18s

    LOL get rid of the rattles and you will get louder yea that i do, but question about the hair tricks what the secret your only 1-2 db higher and doin hair tricks no problem u said
  11. about the new edead its not the crap they used to make its butyl based, works alot better. (fyi) u can still hate just saying
  12. ddeitz

    Wall with 4 MJ 18s

    i like the net pics and good numbers, i swear if you count the rattles im at atleast 150
  13. ddeitz

    ixl 15.4?

    110 percent is not acceptable we need mach 5 captian
  14. ddeitz

    Wall with 4 MJ 18s

    wall is nice, saves a bit of space but 8 or 12 18's would be hella fun
  15. ddeitz

    Wall with 4 MJ 18s

    Well I need to get on the meter and see if Im the first to 150 with Mach 5s. I have to beat you. At least you could say your the first in canada. well 150 db in a family van beats anything i can do
  16. ddeitz

    Wall with 4 MJ 18s

    hair tricks you say well...i was planning on waiting until summer todo my wall...damm you!! i wanna do hair tricks .... nice work
  17. ddeitz

    Input on 8's

    id really just like somthing low in price to tell the truth with a decent xmax not fussy on the rest just need somthing that makes decent mid bass ( i got room for lots )
  18. ddeitz


    the word on the street is they are sexy i seeen his demo one and its a little beast as for the cut out im not sure sorry man
  19. ddeitz

    Got on the meter

    Car: 1997 dodge caravan Subs: 4 mj 18's Box: box tuned to 30ish hz Amp: 1 Autotek MM4000.1D 2 runs of 1 gauge and 1 D34 yellow top under the hood 120 amp alt could use more current to the amp but oh well
  20. ddeitz

    Got on the meter

    I went over to mark's house and got to play with his Term Lab. Magic freq was 42hz and i did a 145.7 off a Tone and 143 off music. the van is nothing but rattles though. Box is tuned to low 30's. wasnt able to run everything at full tilt because of voltage loss.
  21. ddeitz

    Wall with 4 MJ 18s

    box looks like it should move air though! chitty deals man hope you find somthing to make you happy
  22. he had all the bass that was needed whats mid bass? jk but im with you on the front\rear stage thing i feel the same way when it comes to sound quality i prefer more comming from the rear
  23. ddeitz

    Got on the meter

    yea me too
  24. ddeitz

    Wall with 4 MJ 18s

    hurry up and get it finished and on the meter ...oh and some videos please looks good i just wanna see your end result so i know what to expect
  25. ddeitz

    Got on the meter

    well it was my first attempt on the meter with them so lots of room for imporvement the 18's move a ton of air and thats what i wanted them for. As for scores on the TL id love to hit a 150 with them..and i have an idea that may work, mark thinks its a little...extreme but well see