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Everything posted by ddeitz

  1. ddeitz

    SPL 12 issue

    on each coil?
  2. ddeitz

    SPL 12 issue

    im deff interested in this highly scientiferec test.
  3. ddeitz

    Input on 8's

    looks promising!
  4. ddeitz

    Got my SPL12 in Today

    looks great do we get some vids :madrofl:
  5. ddeitz

    Got my SPL12 in Today

    book off work and take pictures for us!!
  6. ddeitz

    The sound deadener Poll

    whats wrong with the new ED deadener stuff? its buytul and its about half the cost of other products....other then the everlasting hate for ben and his minions is their another reason not to get this stuff?
  7. ddeitz

    Mach 5 SPL15?

    Im working on that right now. Have to wait till april to get dealer cost on Optimas. dealer cost on batteries would be sexy Wifes grandfather owns a boat dealership. And yes dealer cost is great. well damm you and your dealer cost !!!
  8. for about 200 you can always go with the cerwin vega 1200D they can be found on various sites include SSA might even find a used one on ebay for pretty cheap their are a few 1000 watt amps you can find for around the 200 range, if you look hard enough. i cannot remember off the top of my head but they are out their. i belive DB drive makes a 1000 watt as well its harder to find but i found them on ebay for i think under 200 a pop
  9. ddeitz

    Mach 5 SPL15?

    Im working on that right now. Have to wait till april to get dealer cost on Optimas. dealer cost on batteries would be sexy
  10. ddeitz

    Input on 8's

    need videos too!
  11. ddeitz

    2 MJ-18's

    how much power do you have to it at 8ohms?
  12. ddeitz

    Mach 5 SPL15?

    id love to just cause i think it would be alot of fun..but we live in manitoba and driving 8-16 hours PER show...is kinda a kick in the nuts
  13. ddeitz

    C-Note's 2008 Bass Race Build Thread!

    looking great
  14. ddeitz

    Question for MJ-18 Owners

    mine are still going just fine with the 4000.1 on them dno how much actual power they are constantly getting though
  15. ddeitz

    Mach 5 SPL15?

    mark id honestly look at something like that 12's im not interested in but as you i wanna do somthing diff this summer and its either 15's or 18's obv no promises but i would deff think about it
  16. ddeitz

    Input on 8's

    wtf pug's get your lazy ass outside and test the fudgein thing!!!! i got a semi heated garage if u wanna test it here (floor isnt heated but i can get it warm enough to test inside no problem)
  17. ddeitz

    Input on 8's

    2x post ftw
  18. ddeitz

    lowering cabin temp for better db

    all world finals should be held in winnipeg during jan each year..last week it was -40 free dry ice for everyone!!!
  19. ddeitz

    vid of your MJ's?

    well..i tired but it was night time, it gets dark around 4pm and i dont normally get up until 5:30-6 (work nights) soo...i gotta try and get up early or do it in the morning after the gym or somthing
  20. ddeitz

    whats a good size ported box for a mj18

    quit postin your wall pictures, it makes me jealous yea i got 20cubic feet for mine too ...but not in a wall and im not making the wall during the winter
  21. ddeitz

    vid of your MJ's?

    if i remember ill go take one today of mine assuming it doesnt get too cold
  22. ddeitz

    Mach 5 Audio Recones

    I think i need some 6.5's off you once i stop bein lazy still only have the 1 door speaker and im even almost fed up with it
  23. ddeitz

    Pics from 3x Show

    yea bad batteries might be a pretty good reason why you wernt hitting the numbers you wanted. The wall looks...loud
  24. ddeitz

    Merry Christmas

    And a Happy New Year!!