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Everything posted by ddeitz

  1. ddeitz

    Where did the E8s go ?

    did you put a suprise in one of them?
  2. ddeitz

    Sonotube enclosures

    I know Mark from mach 5 builds them quite often, not sure about other people. They seem fairly easy once you calculate the box dimensions.
  3. ddeitz

    First Comp.... First Place

  4. ddeitz

    I dont post here that much. So i figured id share. VID!

    thanks fer the tips, and looks loud
  5. ddeitz

    Torn on which route to take.

    ^^ if fi had a website they couldnt of said it better
  6. ddeitz

    My Van is done forever

    chitty deals man, i liked that van. But a chit ton of sealed 15's will be more fun
  7. ddeitz

    Time for some fun

    ^^atleast your honest!
  8. ddeitz

    DP 21 Coming Soon!

    yeah i have to say i would like to see a few installs of these by some guys with alot of room
  9. ddeitz

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    42 is the answer he is looking for.
  10. ddeitz

    FI car audio praises and complaints

    ive never bought anything new from them, i ended up buying a used BTL off someone, the build quality was great..awesome driver. I emailed about a recone for it and recieved a response in i believe 1 day.
  11. ddeitz

    Stetsom 7KD

    i was going to agree that the stetsom is not a daily amp, as for the fact you want under 480 amp draw not sure what else you could look at either way it wount be cheap. Cactus sounds 7kw..maybe?..
  12. ddeitz

    Time for some fun

    screw hair tricks, i want ball slap!!
  13. ddeitz

    approaching 2 months

    ive ordered lots from the us subs included and never had a hold up, bad luck for you sucks man but ull get it and be happy
  14. ddeitz

    loud subs?

    street cred
  15. ddeitz

    Time for some fun

  16. ddeitz


    hows the windshield holding up?
  17. ddeitz

    6k RMS, which subs to get?

    those chrunch gp 3000ds are anything but a low quality amp.
  18. ddeitz

    Dennis' Mach 5 Bitch Van Build Log

    i bet its broken. nothing new from me, that rain is not helping me much
  19. ddeitz

    Dennis' Mach 5 Bitch Van Build Log

    i bet he just pushed it all into the corner. I really would have to see it to believe it
  20. ddeitz

    Dennis' Mach 5 Bitch Van Build Log

    so thats what snow blowers are used for.
  21. ddeitz

    so like whats the problem with ireggi?

    to be honest i have never herd a bad thing about ohio gen. You can find their number on the website and when you call someone answers. its not like with some of the other alt companies.
  22. ddeitz

    Thanks Mark!

    lets pretend this post never happened..look into the light
  23. ddeitz

    BJ Fishers Enclosures are fireproof??

    acts of god are covered here but our insurance is chit anyway.
  24. ddeitz

    BJ Fishers Enclosures are fireproof??

    damm poor guy well hope hes covered
  25. ^^liked that review seemed pretty legit (not all reviews are)