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Everything posted by poundindak69

  1. cant wait to get the new box started and the rest of the car finished

  2. cant wait to get the new box started and the rest of the car finished

  3. poundindak69

    3 Mach5Audio MAW-15 B-stock

    just sent payment for unit #2
  4. poundindak69

    3 Mach5Audio MAW-15 B-stock

    Ehh, not sure. It is possible if you want to try, but I would not suggest it. Would probably be best to just get an entire new top assembly. its worth a shot, and if i do ill just pick up a new top assembly. could this be build into like a 10 since i already have a spare 10" basket here? That I am not sure of, but I don't see why not. I would suggest emailing Mach5 to find out any specifics in terms of rebuilding. It is a 2" coil motor, but as for specs, I don't have them. ok ill decide that after i try to fix the sub. and thanks for the input cause im going to pick this up just to mess around with it.
  5. poundindak69

    3 Mach5Audio MAW-15 B-stock

    Ehh, not sure. It is possible if you want to try, but I would not suggest it. Would probably be best to just get an entire new top assembly. its worth a shot, and if i do ill just pick up a new top assembly. could this be build into like a 10 since i already have a spare 10" basket here?
  6. poundindak69

    3 Mach5Audio MAW-15 B-stock

    is the crack in the basket repairable?
  7. poundindak69

    Jefferson Sales Rep From Stetsom Amps

  8. poundindak69

    Hey Everyone

  9. poundindak69

    What's up guys

  10. poundindak69

    Wall Socket Sundown SA-12

    damn, it took it like a champ!!
  11. poundindak69

    Look what Orion sent me

    this is a boner killer, but damn nice score for a single 12
  12. poundindak69

    project rebuild neon

    haha that'd be great, but it's in the cabrio for the time being... also have to work on sealing off the trunk this week so i can gain some db's for the comp this weekend.
  13. poundindak69


  14. poundindak69

    project rebuild neon

    thanks man, i still need to bet som more updated pics, i have a icon 12 in there now trying to get another here soon.
  15. poundindak69

    Yet another newb. Sorta, anyway.

  16. poundindak69

    project rebuild neon

    ill have a build posted up when the time comes
  17. poundindak69

    project rebuild neon

    still have the neon, didnt get the golf but a buddy is picking that up here in a few weeks for a new build, still have the 100d and icon 10 but the icon's magnet broke so its down for the count and now have a icon 12 but looking to pick another one soon for 2 12's in the neon. also i have a cabrio that broke on me which is why i was going to get the golf but then i just fixed the cabrio, lol.
  18. poundindak69

    project rebuild neon

  19. poundindak69

    project rebuild neon

    ill get them back up moved them in my photobucket, lol sorry
  20. poundindak69

    Box for porkchop

    looks good, whats it going in?
  21. poundindak69

    Held me design! 12'' BTL Enclosure...

    i could probably whip something up for you if you'd like.
  22. poundindak69

    Kevin's BMW log

    box looks sick man
  23. poundindak69

    New Mach 5 Build - Zero Power Compression

    holy shit is all i can say
  24. poundindak69


    got my SSA icon 12 in the mail today, it suposidly only has 3 hours of play on it so if so it's a plus for me!!! but here are some pics
  25. poundindak69

    end resistance?

    why? and click the link in the above post