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Everything posted by poundindak69

  1. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    :ohnoes9: yeppers, went and looked at a honda civic hybird today. just waitng for the loan then going to sign for it.
  2. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    alright this car has seen quite a few different systems in its life and im gettin tired of changing so i figured do one big one to get it done. here are the specs of the build. car-1998 dodge neon HU-Alpine IVA-D900 Mids- 2 Mach 5 audio mli's tweets- have them dotn know name. mid amp- proto type i bought of ca.com(not hooked up yet.) Subs- 4 10" SSA Dcons!!!! Sub amp- 1 Audiopipe 1501d at 1ohm box- custom 2.9 per side clamshell tuned to 30hz also- custom headliner and seats and doors wrapped to match. enjoy! on to the pics in no order cause my camera is stupid.
  3. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    yeah, the quite a bit and i do have some mechanical skills and ill get help from my dad. but idk whats wrong with it untill we get it sunday and then were prolyl not going to look at it until tuesday at the earliest. so the build is on hold fro now.
  4. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    sad day for the neon, it overheated yesterday on the way home and now has a blown head gasket or cracked head .
  5. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    hey, awesome build, looks complicated lol, good luck. but i liked this idea in the above picture, 2 subs on bottom and 2 on the angle? thanks man for the kind words, this build has changed directions so many times it not funny .
  6. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    might start on the box this weekend, got to see if funds are there for supplies .
  7. poundindak69

    "Magic Box" V.2 For an 18"

    nice box you got there.
  8. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    what do you think about this?? tline type box at 30hz.
  9. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    thanks man.
  10. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    that why i set it as my goal, i dont want something easy to achieve. adn what kind of modifications are you talking? and only doing two give me room to change tings more easily.
  11. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    alright, well thats my goal at the moment is a 145 with 2 10's but trying to stay under 1000 watts. . the design im drawing up at the moment has 18sq ins of port per cube. should that be good??
  12. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    hahah thats alright man. and they are beautiful
  13. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    alright been sittin here thinking, do you guys think i could break a 145db with only using two of these and under 1000 watts?? and not burping. .
  14. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    heres one i came up with, would be 6 cubes ported at 32hz with 4 pvc pipes. and with subs and ports in i have .9 of a cube to add as much bracing as i need.
  15. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    damn i cant even break a 140 .
  16. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    going to draw it up in sketch up tonight and get the wood and probably start on it next week.
  17. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    new box coming soon!!!!!
  18. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    heres a pic. and also max dimenions are 33widex18.75highx27deep.
  19. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    yeah, i would like that. i have one idea but idea if id get better results from it. ill post a pic of the design. hhaha i might try it if i get my buddy to come help. and im very limited with taking up space in the box thats why i went for addin threaded rod.
  20. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    what should i do today 1. cut threaded rod and try to put in box while still in car. 2. lay some sound deadener down on the rear doors. 3.mess with the ports and pull out about a inch so there 4inches from back of box. 4 try to do them all. 5. go look at new winter truck. 6. build box for the brother volkswagen 7. give me idea what to do next.
  21. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    me too, im quite disappointed at the moment with the numbers i am getting . but it takes time to get it perfect.
  22. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    will do and il keep the pics and updates coming.
  23. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    yeah pretty sure its the pic it should be 3" plus away. next im going put some 5/8" threaded rod in to stop the baffles from flexing and might lay some sound deadener on the rear doors to help them.
  24. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    x2, how much room is between the port and the back wall. yes it does, but its just how the pic was taken they have room to breath before the back of the box.
  25. poundindak69

    98 neon build!!!

    and gotta stop alot of box flex which will get done tonight or tomorrow . and still need to seal it of temp. to see if that help at all. and lay down sound deadener on the bakc doors. theres still tons to do and no time to do it.