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Everything posted by poundindak69

  1. poundindak69

    Box Design

    i would help with a design but i am leaving work early today and wouldn't be able to get it done till tomorrow. i did some quick calcutions and you would have a box that is 4.80 cubes with a port that is 14.5 high x 5 wide x 16 long tuned to 36.67 hz, hope that helps some
  2. poundindak69


    thanks sure is i know execpt for were there was a tear in the surround... mmhmmmm
  3. poundindak69

    ICON 10 problems?

    heres come pics of my quick and simple fix that didnt work, applied some epoxy to the crack and let it set for like 12 hours then installed it and it help with the rattling but as i played it more the rattling became worse over time.
  4. poundindak69

    ICON 10 problems?

    yesterday i took my box with my icon in it out of my car because i had a leak in the trunk and it ruined part of the box. and when i took out the icon out of the box i noticed that the bottom magnet had cracked all the way around it. is this something to be worried about? sub was in a box 1.35 cubes at 32hz pushed by a saz 1000d set at 1000 watts. and the sub is no more than 3 months old.
  5. poundindak69

    RE MT 18"s video

    it sounds like put on,
  6. poundindak69


    so you have 5 of these? nice!!! one pair use to be mine pretty sure you did over on ca.com
  7. poundindak69

    ICON 10 problems?

    ok just got inside from doing some testing and im 100% positive its the magnet vibrating that i can hear so i guess that means it done for. good thing i just picked up a 12" icon
  8. poundindak69

    ICON 10 problems?

    i ahve the sub wired at 4ohm so thats around 600 watts on it, and i get the sound even with the gain under what it should be at, thats why i asked Humm, I wonder if the sound is the cracked magnet moving. idk mayeb ill check that out also tonight
  9. poundindak69

    ICON 10 problems?

    i ahve the sub wired at 4ohm so thats around 600 watts on it, and i get the sound even with the gain under what it should be at, thats why i asked
  10. poundindak69

    ICON 10 problems?

    oh ok cause i didnt notice a crack when i got it, and ill pull it out and make sure it gots a good seal on it.
  11. poundindak69

    ICON 10 problems?

    you can hear it right before the end, its alot clear in real life also here are some pics of the crack
  12. poundindak69

    ICON 10 problems?

    ok so i jsut put the icon in another box and put it on my massivep1500.1 and on the high notes below like 100hz it sounds like its bottoming out kindof like a rattling thudd, and it looks as if it gets sucked in instead of pushed out, and i have switched the leads on the amp jsut to make sure the leads werent flipped
  13. poundindak69

    Hello All

  14. not to be a party pooper but with 3 30 amp fuses i doubt that thign will even come close to do 3500 watts rms, someone who cna explain clipping better will chime in on that
  15. poundindak69


    so you have 5 of these? nice!!! one pair use to be mine
  16. poundindak69

    new guy... kinda

  17. poundindak69

    Trade-In Program

  18. poundindak69

    Trade-In Program

    so is it open again cause i have a few amps ready for ya
  19. poundindak69

    Trade-In Program

    i would like to see it come back, im a responsible young adult with working equipment.
  20. poundindak69

    ICON 10 problems?

    no it hasn't been dropped, i have taken care of it since i got it, lol. me either , but ill contine to use it and see if anything goes wrong and ill report back.
  21. poundindak69

    ICON 10 problems?

    let me try to describe the crack it is horizontal with the magnet meaning it goes all the way around like the magnet, so it like split one into two. does that help?
  22. poundindak69

    ICON 10 problems?

    You got any pics? On a side-note: Are you still interested in the Icon? I have quite a few others who are. no pics right now at work, i am but the money i am waiting for hasn't came threw yet so you can take the other offers since i have no money yet, but thanks for holding it for me
  23. poundindak69

    Official 1st Single Cab Build

    nice sub and box design. you still trying to sell that icon?
  24. poundindak69

    Ridn's Expo Build Log

    box design looks sick as hell man
  25. poundindak69

    New To The Fourm...What's Up Guys?

    welcome to ssa