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Everything posted by cubdenno

  1. cubdenno

    Saz3000 and impedence rise

    I bet it shakes your place. I used mine in a 6 cube box tuned to 25 hertz with a Behringer EP2500 amp and it was ridiculous in my house. I have run mine in several boxes. I am currently building a horn loaded enclosure to try out. I am running a 3.5 cubic foot tuned to 40 hertz and it is quite loud as in mid 140's. I have a bandpass that is a bit louder but wanted to try this design I am running right now. It stretches in car to the mid 20's. My son loves it with rap but I listen to rock and I always leave my car with a goofy grin.
  2. cubdenno

    Saz3000 and impedence rise

    Oh haysoos christoff... That tuning frequency is way low. most music only goes to around 30 hertz. Unless you are doing movies in your car or bring that box into the house i would tune higher. I understand what you are saying. All I am saying is that the actual gain in this path to getting all the output possible is not worth the added expense. Running strapped or just as two mono amps you will get more power than one amp on two subs. It will be louder. Sent a PM
  3. cubdenno

    From: Used, B-Stock, Refurbished Amps, and MISC

    Is that shipped?just wanted to know for son...
  4. cubdenno

    Saz3000 and impedence rise

    Unless you are going to compete and you need to squeeze every .db out of you set up, wiring to get the lowest dcr on those amps is not going to net you the gain in volume that warrants that much investment. doubling power gets you a theoretical 3db of output. doubling speakers gets you the same theoretical 3db on the same power. So theoretically doubling both power and speakers gets you a 6 db increase. If you run both subs and two amps you should see a 4-5 db increase in what you are currently getting. thats without taking into consideration any cancellation loss phasing issues etc that can creep up. Hell, what sized/tuned frequency box do you have? I ran mine in a under 2 cubed sealed enclosure for a while. I guess what I am saying is that if 2 amps on two subs is your dream then do it. But worrying about what the amp is putting out and trying to maximize that output is useless for a daily driver as the gain in power is not going to get you the extra increase in output that is that noticeable.
  5. cubdenno

    Saz3000 and impedence rise

    Using a clamp meter and a Dmm, I found that with my subwoofer wired for a dcr of 1 ohm had an impedance rise to no lower than 3 ohms. This was checked at 20 hertz to 100 at 5 hertz intervals. I have the TC3000 15 DVC. Different box styles have a slight change I have found on rise but mostly it is not that drastic a change to warrant. I would get a ported enclosure for those Axis subs. Make sure you have the electrical reserves to power that 3000 and wire it for DCR of .5 ohms. The rise will keep you above 1 ohm. The power increase in the amp should be noticed especially with the two subs playing. My reasoning behind this advice is that the money you put into buying another 3000 would be wasted because it sounds like your electrical is maybe a bit weak for the single 3000. Granted I do not know what you have, such a feeling after reading your post. spend that 600 or so dollars on more batteries and/or an alternator and get those subs dancing!
  6. cubdenno

    What would burn through speaker leads?

    And considering that from what I was told, they all burned apart at the same place. That point is where there was more resistance than anywhere else. In this case where the tinsel leads connected to the coil. This makes sense. To be honest, I usually set the gains by ear. But I do have an O-scope now so that I CAN PROPERLY SET THE GAINS WITHOUT HAVING THAT DIRTY DIRTY CLIPPING. The speakers are being repaired and soon my son should be happily bumping along. He did get a sound violation in my car yesterday. It cost him 75 bucks. Ha!! Told him that he needs to be aware of the police and their vicinity.
  7. I have four subs that the speaker leads burned through. What would cause this? Same amp ran all subs. They died at same time. Would amp putting out DC do this? Coils are fine. I am stumped.
  8. cubdenno

    What would burn through speaker leads?

    No pics as of yet. I had them looked at and that was the diagnoses. Sorry guys. I am more stumped than you. I have the subsonic on the amp set at about 30 hertz. It is a crazy thing here.
  9. cubdenno

    What would burn through speaker leads?

    Will do all of the above. Got an O-scope so will recheck gains as well as all filters. Thanks guys!!!
  10. cubdenno

    What would burn through speaker leads?

    I get that. This was out of the blue. system has been working fine with no issues. Just Boooooom. Then nada.
  11. cubdenno

    What would burn through speaker leads?

    Ok. Strange but OK. Amp (Sundown SAE 1000D) volume was @30 out of 62 or so. Zero bass boost. Song playing WAS a ridiculous rap song. by ridiculous I mean LOTS of lows. Amp blew all 3 fuses. When subs come back will retune amp. Have been beating brain to figure this out. Could loss of voltage (ie running out of juice from electrical system have helped cause this?) played into this?
  12. cubdenno

    2nd Generation of Sundown

    Congrats to your new family!! Welcome to being poor and tired.
  13. cubdenno

    Trade-In Program

    Arrrgh!! I was wanting to trade my Tru B2110 in for sumptin.. Really. I am wanting matching amps.
  14. cubdenno

    Have any of you seen this before?

    The amp appears to be fine. What I am wondering is... Did one of the coils short causing a power surge that say damaged the other speakers the first time the fuses popped. Then when I replaced the fuses, the now damaged other speakers died during a second surge that popped the fuses. That is a hypothesis I have. I do not know what has caused this. Like I tell my friend this is crazy. I tried powering other speakers on the 1000D. I tried a toyota factory 6 ohm 6X9 first. You know... Just in case. Then moved to my TC3000 15. I tried it first @4 Ohm dcr then 1 ohm DCR. It worked fine. New fuses and all. The E8's, I did not try on an amp. I just tested them with a DMM. Oh wait... I did have them hooked to the 1000D again before we tested amp on 6X9. They did not play. I first thought it was the amp. I seriously did not think all four woofs would have what appears to be the saqme issue. This is by no means a slam on the E8. The thing is a beast. four of them just plain kill. We did buy four of them from the first batch that jacob sold to Mike to be rebuilt. I am in contact with Mike. Or at least I will be when I get back home. In Arkansas for work now. I am just asking to get something I missed or overlooked. I keep saying it. This is just strange.
  15. Was in the boys car driving with him tunes were medium loudness. We were able to talk over them. Suddenly speakers sounded funny and shut off. By speakers I mean subs. We get back home and amp fuses blown. We replace fuses subs come back on, sound even funnier and then pop. Fuses gone. Allow me to add, after the first pop of fuses, we checked all cables and wires. No shorts. Started checking subs and every one of them showing open. Not dead short. open as in there is no circuit from positive to negative. How do four subs all do the exact same thing at the same time. I am befuddled. I mean, what are the odds? Oh yeah, 4 sundown E8 rebuilds and a Sundown SAE 1000D. Does anybody have experience with something like this? Trying to figure out how this happened and how to avoid it in the future.. Amp gain at like under 25% subsonic up high enough so that the woofs would not break up and pop. woofs wired for a dcr of 1 ohm. Anything else I can tell you let me know. Please help!! thanks, Cub
  16. cubdenno

    Have any of you seen this before?

    To answer Spy yes and Yes. I use my DMM I tested all four or actually each pair then each one seperately. To answer abxx... Yes the fuses blew twice. now I CAN CONNECT ALL FOUR WOOFS AND NOTHING HAPPENS (OBVIOUSLY AS THE COILS I AM GUESSING ARE OPEN) and the amp will safely power a subwoofer still as I hooked it up to mine which is wired for a 1 ohm dcr.
  17. cubdenno

    Have any of you seen this before?

    Not sure what the triple joint is. I am in Arkansas this week. When I get home I will check. One sub I can believe. But all four subs at the same basic time same issue? I should buy a lottery ticket and stay away from any tall metallic objects when it's cloudy. I think i am going to send them back to Mike to have him look. It had to be some type of common item that failed between all four of them. When I find out, I will let you all know.
  18. cubdenno

    Have any of you seen this before?

    Sorry I didn't expand. Amp is working fine after fuse replacement. I tried it at 4 and 1 ohm loads on a different sub. I wiggled the terminals on the E8's When we were installing these woofs I made sure the wire was stripped 3/8" to avoid shorting to the basket. I am really trying to figure out how this happened. The same thing on all four woofers???? I am totally stumped. I set the whole system up to handle a 16 year old and lot's of rap music at maxed out levels. It really has me stumped.
  19. cubdenno

    saz1000d and E8s?

    In the right box those woofs and amp combination KILL! My boy is running 4 E8's and the 1000. You will be VERY impressed with the output. Go a little bigger than recommended on the volume per woofer and tune it a bit higher. It will make a big difference in efficiency.
  20. cubdenno

    6 channel amp

    Jacob, Are there any plans on making a 6 channel amp? 50X4 125X2 or preferably 100X4 250X2? If so I can hold out. I really want a matching Sundown 6 channel. My other options are Mcintosh or Tru at least as far as I can find. And I hate to part with the green that those brands would cost me for no other benefit than the "Look what I got!" BS.
  21. cubdenno

    6 channel amp

    Thats the thing!!! I run 3 way active or 2 way active + rear fill and that type of amp would really make it crack! Though I am thinking about the 2 4 channel amps with 1 of them bridged to 2 channel for the midbass drivers.
  22. cubdenno

    6 channel amp

    HA!! I notice you didn't mention the 50X4 125X2 version...... And yes 2 Sundown 4 channels with endcaps would work but again extra wires but more exceptable regarding aesthetics.
  23. cubdenno

    6 channel amp

    Yeah big but so are most 6 channel amps. Look at the Zapco 50X6 or the Tru Billet 6/AD. Hell I am already running a 2 channel, a four channel and a mono. That takes up a god awful amount of room. Would love to Simplify it all.
  24. cubdenno

    Box design for Sundown Audio E8

    With what I have found using the E8 for my boy, Build it between .8 and a cube internal volume. Tune it a bit higher like 40 hertz. Because of the transfer function in the car, you will get extension into the upper twenties. Plus the power requirements to get loud are reduced. This will also further shrink the port requirements. I like bigger ports because it reduces the chuffing sound. I would do a 3 inch port though the 2 will work.