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joe dirte

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Everything posted by joe dirte

  1. What are some other amps other than the sundown sax-100.4 that can run 2-way active?
  2. As in my headunit cant run active so I want to be able to do it with just the amp.
  3. joe dirte

    BL vs. 2512

    I dont know how comparable these drivers are but if you had the choice what would you pick and why. What is the SQ like, how loud, how low all of those good things. It would be on 1000RMS.
  4. joe dirte

    SSD vs RL-P

    Alright i want a single 12" setup and was wondering which one you guys would prefer. Im more into to SPL so which one would be better for that.
  5. joe dirte

    SSD vs RL-P

    I should have said what woud be better with 600 watts.
  6. alright figured i would star a new topic ablout this. I came across this topic and thought this would be a good way to go. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=9618 So if i was to go this way i wouldent have to get an new expensive headunit. But are there any other amps i could use for this that are a little cheaper.
  7. joe dirte

    2-way active

    Alright im thinking about the cadenceTXA-6004 150 x 4 @ 4 Ohm 300 x 4 @ 2 Ohm 600 x 2 @ 4 Ohm Is that a good amp?
  8. I am thinking a running a 3way active system and was wondering what are some of the best headunits to use.
  9. joe dirte

    need help

    well that makes my decision easy.
  10. joe dirte

    need help

    Alright i've been looking on madisound and would like some opinions on these drivers. Seas CD18RE-MDS Seas ER18RNX Peerless nomex830875 Vifa M17SG09 These tweeters peerless HDS Seas 27TAFNC/G Seas 27TFFNC/G peerless DX25TG05 For 2-way active. I know the Seas ER18RNX and Peerless HDS tweeters make a good combo but would like to know what else would be a good combo.
  11. joe dirte

    headunit help

    Ok any alpine headunit with bass engine pro will work for 2-way active right? What do you have to look for in a headunit to tell wether it would work for 2-way active.
  12. Ok I dont know how old this headunit is but it is just sitting at my house. Any good???alpine cdm-9823
  13. joe dirte

    2-way active

    how much power should i send those tweets i havent seen anything about what the can take. That will help find the right amp. And what about crossovers.
  14. joe dirte

    2-way active

    now i just need to know a good 4 cahannel amp for under $350 dollars. The cheaper the better.
  15. joe dirte

    2-way active

    i've heard that this is a good combo ER18RNX and peerless HDS tweeter
  16. joe dirte

    2-way active

    Want something cheaper than that what are some other options for amps and some options for drivers.
  17. joe dirte

    2-way active

    Im just looking for a front stage that will blend good with my substage which is most likely going to be an FI Q. So this is going to be a SQ system. So what are some good 4 channel amps that are $350 and under. What are some good drivers that will work in this install.
  18. joe dirte

    2-way active

    So is $310 a good price for that headunit. So now we have that covered. On to an amp and the drivers. Probaly want to spend a round $300 on an amp do i want a 2 or 4 channel and what are some ideas. And spend around $300 on drivers what are some options there.
  19. joe dirte

    Enough power for BL???

    I have a cadence txa-1000d 1000watts@1ohm. I really want to get a 12"BL but people always say that it needs more power but that is what it is rated for. Im looking for more spl than SQ thats why im considering the BL over the Q. What im wondering is what the SQ of a BL is like and how good it would go with that amp. It will be going in a ported enclosure tuned 30-33 HZ. I only listen to rap.
  20. joe dirte

    2-way active

    On that thread that i have at the top the guy has a sundown sax-100.4 and it says The Sundown 100.4 can be used to crossover actively and the guy has a Pioneer DEH-P5900iB so couldent i run a 2-way active system that way. And arent ther any other amps that could do that for cheaper. Also what are some suggestions for drivers?
  21. joe dirte

    2-way active

    ok here we go starting from scratch $1000 budget. will that be enough to do this. Need new headunit what are some that will work Need a new amp for this what are some good ones to use Whatever is left over is to spend on drivers hopefully dont need more $.
  22. joe dirte

    2-way active

    So what are some good 4 channel amps to use. That are somewhat cheap $350 and under. So going 2-way do i need mid-range or will these also work peerless seas vifa these tweeters seas vifa peerless
  23. joe dirte

    2-way active

    car-98 grand prix HU-Pioneer DEH-P6900UB size/space-could probally put a 7" in the door and it already has a spot for tweeters
  24. joe dirte

    Enough power for BL???

    what im saying is that FI rates the BL for 1000RMS but every time someone brings it up on the forum people are always saying to give it upwards 1500RMS