Well, I can definitely understand if it's been 3 times. This is number 2 for me. First time he didn't even troubleshoot until after it was sent back. He just upped me from a 270 to 300. This time he was able to get the alt back on 4/4/2013 and found out the issue was a faulty internal regulator (would only charge under extreme rpm above 4k and only until it reached 14.7volts then would drop again). He then shipped it back out and it was out for delivery 4/9/2013. However, Fedex dropped the ball and says "attempt not made" on the tracking. We will see this time if this thing lasts at all. From my understanding there have been a few people that have been successful in getting refunded so you wouldn't have any losses. I'd give it a shot. I honestly wouldn't touch anything less than 6 phase hairpin after going through all this crap unless i had extras laying around. I mean if you run quad alts or something it would be worth it, but if you are just replacing a single alt then I'd probably say Mechman or DC all day. I've had my Singer alt in my Jeep for about a week now, and I have absolutely 0 Complaints. I have no problem recommending Singer to anyone, just to add to your Mechman or DC all day comment although Singer might take a week or so longer then those companies.