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Everything posted by DanP

  1. Ive been using this since October, I really have no complaints.
  2. I was gonna recommend this too but im unsure if Ipads have GPS, if they do its really good for navigation.
  3. I would definitely download Pandora.
  4. DanP

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    Drove into the car wash, left it idling for no more then 4 minutes, as I was getting in I heard a pop then saw steam flying. When replacing it was seen that the connection for the fan was melted, but its hard to tell if the fan stopped working and caused the radiator to pop, or if the radiator popped and melted the fan connector.
  5. Not trying to thread jack but How do you ground an alternator?
  6. DanP

    Y'all Alright, Okies?

  7. I tried searching for this but couldn't find anything on it. I have a DieHard G34M and they have 2 terminals on the top Is there any difference between these 2 terminals?
  8. Thanks I saw some people complaining about the side posts on Yellow Tops and wasn't sure if these had similar problems
  9. DanP

    Subwoofer Break-in

    Sorry - no measurements yet I can tell you my Alpine Type- R and Type -S sounded very different (to me) after a week or so than when they were first put in - even when i took a used Type-S out and put a new one in, I could tell. when i first put them in, it seemed like it couldn't hit the low notes, after awhile, the lows definitely became more prominent (to me)* *Right before they blew lmfao Measurements are really the only thing that would support the claim that there was a significant audible change pre- and post break in. Subjective experience does not. As Q pointed out, you might have experienced a change, but the change was in your perception and not in the driver (at least not audibly). Understood. I just had to say it. I'm wondering what T/S parameters are. Also what are , Cms, Fs, and Q? http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/index.php/blog/item/ts-parameters-explained.html Explains it all.
  10. DanP

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    I'm gonna let a garage handle this, if it was any other issue then overheating I would tackle it myself, unless I was absolutely positive on the issue.
  11. DanP

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    Well there's a local car audio competition tomorrow, Planned on going so I went to a car wash to get all the bird shit off my Jeep started overheating/leaking fluid in the car wash so I guess my plans changed. Appears to be the lower radiator hose leaking, but wont know until the garage opens up on Monday.
  12. DanP

    School me on box design

    Watch some of his videos, really helpful.
  13. DanP

    Grille for an Icon?

    Maybe someone else can chime in on this idea but what if you cut out a 12" MDF Ring that will fit around the surround then mount the mesh grille to that? Isn't ideal...but could work?
  14. DanP


  15. DanP

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    The illuminating Hifonics text got annoying so I plasti dipped it
  16. DanP

    Cablguy184's 1949 Ford Tudor Sedan

    I think that color would look really good on that car.
  17. DanP

    Advice for Ported Box

    How do you conclude that with out knowing what subs spoke too soon you're right that really cant be determined until the subs being used known.
  18. DanP

    Advice for Ported Box

    What subs, and your port isn't big enough
  19. Well its 4AM but, finally finished with all my school work...Thank god today is the last day of the semester.

  20. DanP

    Wanna buy a jeep? Wanna drive drunk?

    People are just dumb, I work as a bouncer and tonight as the club was closing there was a large fight so quite a bit of cops showed up. While at least 6 or more cop cars are sitting in the middle of the street some drunk douche decides to get into his car and do a burnout then speed off. Three cop cars sped after him and pulled him over less then half a block away.
  21. Don't think hes saying they're overpriced, I think hes just wondering what % of the money goes where.
  22. I'm not going to be very specific but, I'll list a few reasons for the pricing. Price of parts, labor, overhead, tools, then you have to also consider they're a business and if a business isn't making money they wont stay around too long. *Edit: just wanted to also state these are from my viewpoint and I could be 100% wrong.
  23. DanP

    2003 Camry sitting too low

    search around theres Rockauto coupons floating around. Code 1376153311265608 = 5% Discount
  24. DanP

    2003 Camry sitting too low

    When you say drop I'm assuming you mean lower. So I guess it depends on how low that will make your car and taking account you're into car audio and could potentially put a decent amount of weight into the trunk. I mean after a 1" drop how much ground clearance do you have? Would you feel comfortable driving over a pothole? Since its your daily driver I'd say go stock but that's just my opinion