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Everything posted by DanP

  1. DanP

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    Took a little video of flex on the p5002 today http://youtu.be/H1iEzIwbUag
  2. DanP

    '97 Toyota Celica Wall Build

    What did you use to black out the tail lights?
  3. DanP

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    Replaced my RCAs and got a buzzing, grounding the RCAs fixed it. Sold my Hifonics Zeus 2K so for the meantime im using a Rockford P5002 Plastic cover was pealing so I plastidipped it. Got bored and have a shit ton of heatshrink laying around so decided to clean up my headunit install. Currently I have my entire system for sale locally, hoping to move on to some 18" SSAs soon.
  4. DanP

    Hammer crimper vs Hydraulic crimper

    I dont have any input on 4/0 wire, but I know for my 1/0 I used a friends hydraulic crimper for my first time around, then the 2nd time wiring my Jeep I used a $20 hammer crimper off amazon and both ways were sufficient, couldnt pull the terminals off if I wanted to. Main difference was the hydraulic crimper was a bit easier to use.
  5. No sparks needed, not sure what theyre called(bigjon can help with that) but the rear wheels of 4 wheel drive vehicles cant be spinning when towed. Can be used to prevent sparks too.
  6. Shave door handles, and add a door popper
  7. Kevin just posted it on the Skar Facebook "Who would be interested in a 4" Coil, 12/15/18" SPL Monster woofer? 2500 Watt RMS Power Rating (Conservative). A little side project prototype I am currently working on - if there is enough demand I will probably put them into production, I personally love the idea of making them - 6 Layer Spider - High Roll Competition Grad Foam Surround - Ultra Strong Paper Cone - 20mm Top and Back Plate - 4 PC Ferrite Magnet Motor Assembly (220mm) - Qts 0.52" I cant get over how Familiar this looks to a new sub woofer coming out from another company...
  8. Go to Saint Jude's website and go to the donate tab. Gotcha ill do it as soon as I get outta work.
  9. I tried doing the new method but paypal makes you send it to either a email or phone number.
  10. DanP

    Possible new Skar Subwoofer

    Sundown just posted on facebook "Based on some recent inquiries and events I feel the need to state this officially -- we DO NOT do OEM work for Skar Audio anymore. We have done almost no work for Skar since the first generation IVX and VVX line. We have nothing to do with the new line products whatsoever. There seems to be some confusion floating around out there; so I am putting it to rest." "I feel that all of the hatred online is very exaggerated... but I am not very happy this morning." " Parts suppliers are not always out to protect those that pay for tooling. I'll leave it at that."
  11. DanP

    Possible new Skar Subwoofer

    Yeah thats the only difference I noticed, its hard to match spec numbers because well we all know where Kevins come from.
  12. That was another thought that I had. From what I can see paypal would charge atleast $0.52 on every donation. 2.2% + $0.30 On a business account 2.9% + $0.30 On a regular account
  13. Also im not sure if Paypal charges fees on this but you can create a donation link button under Merchant services, im assuming this would give you a URL you can link people, rather then sending as a gift through paypal. This way Paypal will recognize it as a donation.
  14. Yeah I was a bit confused when I got a refund any idea when/if this will still happen?
  15. DanP

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    Cant wait to hear this
  16. DanP

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    I started looking into this one and love all the features on it, then realized the company doesn't provide any installation instructions. In the manual it says "Due to the complexity of this system, installation of this product must only be performed by an authorized Directed dealer"
  17. DanP

    smd dd1

    Wrong site...
  18. DanP

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    Also competed for my first time today came in Second in Rookie 2 of TNESPL With a score of 142.0, I've never been on a meter before and had no clue of my vehicle peak, I started at 34 and ended at 42, Im thinking if I burped at 44-45 I could gain a DB or Two. Was also able to meet Mark LaFountain and gave him a little demo.
  19. DanP

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    I was looking at this http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_68985_AutoPage-C3-RS665-2W-M-Remote-Start-Alarm-System-w-C3-Technology.html I haven't researched them much yet and decided on one yet though, I definitely want one where the remote alarms, as well as the vehicle.
  20. DanP

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    Thats what I initially though because the keys for the Jeep have Chips and you need to bypass for remote start but nothing on the wire was exposed, and id imagine the wire would have to touch the metal? Regardless im ordering one of those alarms with an LCD on the remote that goes off when a doors open and shows which door, so Ill just save that project until I purchase that.
  21. I'm glad to see this happening again though I'll be sure to buy a ticket or two once I get paid.
  22. DanP

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    Well I started off the day with plans to try and fix my remote lock/unlock control for my Jeep until I pulled off the panel and saw this What I found was odd though I didnt take a picture but there was a key wrapped in wire, then wrapped in electrical tape down there. Kinda confused why it was there but since the keys for Jeeps have chips and are expensive im not complaining. I decided to save this project for another day and clean up the back