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Everything posted by loudmp5

  1. loudmp5

    does port direction matter

    Now how mch port area do you have cause if your original enclsure is 12.8 cubes your going to have x amount of sq in port area per cube but cutting that in have is doubling the port area per cube while staying with the same port/ports...
  2. loudmp5

    Icon For Bass Music?

    I am going to argue for a properly buit ported enclosure cause it will sound just as good as a sealed one on
  3. loudmp5

    order issues

    Go to there forum and make a thread i am sure they will contact you then
  4. loudmp5

    order issues

    Have you tried calling them?
  5. loudmp5


    No thanks man
  6. loudmp5


    Saz1500, bc2k,aq2200 or similar budget will be 250 or so shipped to 85132 day after xmas the 26th
  7. loudmp5

    Re xtx5000.1

    Alright man i understand i was thinking there i seen that earlier but i thought since this was my thread or whatever itd be ok i mean i have many posts on other forums and positive feedback but i do understand thanks for your input man.... Whats up tho its cold as chit what the temp down there i jnow its usually like 10 deg cooler or so
  8. loudmp5

    Re xtx5000.1

    Needed a few more post for the classifieds i amm wtb
  9. loudmp5

    Re xtx5000.1

    If this is against the rules
  10. loudmp5

    Re xtx5000.1

    Idk know
  11. loudmp5

    Re xtx5000.1

  12. loudmp5

    Re xtx5000.1

    well ofcorse lol and hell ya rick thats good to hear to
  13. loudmp5

    Re xtx5000.1

    Ya i know those are solid amps guy said he might be selling it tho so we'll see lol
  14. loudmp5

    Re xtx5000.1

    Im probably gunna get an aq2200 now i found one on my local craigslist
  15. loudmp5

    Re xtx5000.1

    Ya im thinking so, i cant find anything good about these amps And yes for my gcons
  16. loudmp5

    Re xtx5000.1

    Bumpidy anyone ever clap this?
  17. loudmp5

    Re xtx5000.1

    Haha yes i might buy this looks like a descent buy if i can get it for 200 have no idea what it will actally do tho?
  18. loudmp5

    Re xtx5000.1

    Who is trying to sell anything?
  19. loudmp5

    ssa gcon

    how wide did you think the port was? its 4 in wide and idk lol
  20. loudmp5

    ssa gcon

    i have 2 gcon 12s and my box is 4.6 @32hz net after all dis. i have 70sq in of port i have this thread going at ca.com but i cant really get anyone that has xp with these subs someone was saying it will be peaky? but it is built to specs... im just wanting some input... and hi all 1st post
  21. loudmp5

    ssa gcon

    well no one TOLD me anything i looked at recommended enclosure for this sub and built what i wanted with the room i had, i was just wanting thoughts.
  22. loudmp5

    ssa gcon

    Thanks for your input man
  23. loudmp5

    ssa gcon

    ya i was thinking that, i cant make up my mind if i want it to load off the back hatch or face it forward im thinking facing rear input?
  24. loudmp5

    ssa gcon

    ok ok i see what your getting at man.. idc anymore lol im done thinking it wont work lol i have convinced my self it will just as i knew it would when i made the box lol whats his face over at ca had me trippin right now im trying to figure out an amprack in sketchup lol
  25. loudmp5

    ssa gcon

    idk man lol just cause that guy said it drops off on the lows maybe ge graphed it idk lol