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Everything posted by ricksi30

  1. ricksi30

    WTF! Why didn't I get the memo?

    Are you serious?
  2. ricksi30

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    It is not a problem if it is installed correctly as stated in the instruction manual. If I put 5000 watts to a sub rated at 1000 and blow it is it the companies fault....no. Just like if I improperly install a head unit and blow the pico fuse it isn't that companies fault. Your comparison is not valid.
  3. ricksi30

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Are you affiliated with Skar or Skar's owner?
  4. ricksi30

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Not defending at all, I'm just trying to understand the purpose of this thread. To warn people of terrible CS from Skar Audio. But the OP hasn't replied/updated us or even stated what he's trying to find out? All i'm seeing here is chit from 2009 that Kevin supposedly did, and in any event there is no way to prove that he made those boxes. I saw pics posted but no one posted a receipt, the boxes are horrible obviously but we don't know who made them for certain. Are you fucking serious man? With all of the evidence against him you are still trying to disprove that he made those enclosures. You either don't comprehend things easily, or have some sort of affiliation with Kevin/Skar. You keep asking what the point of this thread is and we have answered. Just as another example he was selling "b stock" items at full price without telling the customer as recently as 2012. You are right that he hasn't been in too much trouble here in 2013 yet so let me give him another chance to screw me over....wait I'm smarter than that!
  5. ricksi30

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    I'm going to guess that he is not serious.
  6. ricksi30

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Waiting on an XCON? You will be happy man, it is one of my favorite subs ever and I have owned a lot of subs.
  7. Haha yeah it looks like that roof is taking a beating!
  8. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Good luck man!
  9. ricksi30

    Lifted PSD build log

    Haha I definitely lol'd at that comment.
  10. ricksi30

    Lifted PSD build log

    This^ I figured you would have learned by now Lantz lol. Tuned in either way.
  11. You have come a long way Tim, that looks brutal.
  12. ricksi30

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    I have installed (against my advice) a pair of VVX's, they were promptly replaced within a month.
  13. ricksi30

    Hello Guys

    Welcome to SSA!
  14. ricksi30

    2012 Fusion All Sundown Everything! Start Pg. 14

    This should sound great when you get done.
  15. ricksi30

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Looks really good man!
  16. ricksi30

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Yeah Jacob had a hand in the design of the VVX but as far as I know that is the only item that was "engineered". And even it isn't great.
  17. ricksi30

    Today's 4"VC Heavy Hitters

    That thing looks awesome!
  18. ricksi30

    Mazda 6 - Team Fi - 2 15s - 20,000 watts

    Just wait and see :)/> and each from door will have 3 tweets now wait till u see where other 2 are going A/C vents? Looking good so far, those subs look sweet!
  19. ricksi30

    what do you think about this

    I wouldn't want the coaxials and the amp is ~320 new so for me probably not unless I could get just the amp for less.
  20. Why do you think that you can turn the gain up safely?
  21. ricksi30

    Time for a change-Mr. Clinton?

    The jump in cone area should definitely help in that aspect. As long is you get them in a nice enclosure I think that you will be thrilled.
  22. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Who the hell are you? I don't recognize your name... Of course you don't recognize my name, I just registered a couple of days ago, I'm new to the forum :D/> Welcome to SSA! I think that you will fit right in
  23. ricksi30

    Time for a change-Mr. Clinton?

    Zac Brown Band is one of my favorite things to listen to in my car. Their songs are pretty cool, are you a country fan?
  24. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Who the hell are you? I don't recognize your name...
  25. ricksi30

    Z v.4 15" Prototype Built Up

    I agree man.