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Everything posted by ricksi30

  1. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If SSA has the product that I need then that's where I'll buy it. I did order some headphones from sonic not too long ago, and they were at my house in less than 48 hours.
  2. ricksi30

    Happy Bday Notorious from FWI

    Happy Birthday!
  3. ricksi30

    Using T-Nuts to mount a sub...

  4. ricksi30

    Surround repair....

    It should fill in the tear just fine without having to spread it open.
  5. ricksi30

    Surround repair....

    Just patch the front and back, I wouldn't risk making it worse.
  6. ricksi30

    Surround repair....

    Amazing goop.
  7. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If you type "shirt" in the store search bar a Dickies shirt comes up. Good idea with the "would you like to add an SSA T-shirt, bumper sticker, coffee cup or whatever the fuck"!
  8. ricksi30

    Incriminator Pro Audio

    Agreed you would not be doing the Zed amps justice by using pro audio.
  9. ricksi30

    Time for new subs what to get??

    I loved my XCONs.
  10. ricksi30

    smd dd1

    I know that I wasn't referenced because I'm stupid but....yes every track will require a different setting, but the gain is only half of the equation. The other half is your signal voltage, or your source unit setting. If a specific track requires a change whether it is up or down you can control that at the source.
  11. ricksi30

    Sacred's upcoming Bronco Build

    Tuned in man! What kind of wire is that?
  12. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Mexican moving day in AZ. J AKA Sunday on I-19.
  13. ricksi30

    smd dd1

    Lol...whatever man, the fact that you would discredit someone with as much knowledge as Sean has shows how "closed minded" that YOU are.You like the KoolAid huh?
  14. ricksi30

    Install log on the SSA Mazda's

    I like it!
  15. ricksi30

    Install log on the SSA Mazda's

    You're running an FCON nice lol! Looks good, and I bet it sounds great. I want some ZED in my trunk...
  16. ricksi30

    smd dd1

    You are a wolf my friend....
  17. ricksi30

    Window shopping...

    Lol their prices are retarded $400 for 50 ft of 0 gauge? A $1000 dual amp kit?
  18. ricksi30

    smd dd1

    I doubt that any of us saying that a DD1 is useless use a scope to set gains. Then what do you use? Just a DMM? Which has no sense for distortion? You obviously didn't read this thread.
  19. ricksi30

    smd dd1

    I doubt that any of us saying that a DD1 is useless use a scope to set gains.
  20. ricksi30

    smd dd1

    Not my reason at all, it is a waste of money.
  21. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Where were those taken Sean? Reminds me of The Alps in Switzerland.
  22. ricksi30

    smd dd1

    statements like that are plain ignorant so only dumb pepole use an o-scope? Did I say dumb anywhere? I was told by the shop where I could turn the volume and I listened, I was confident nothing would happen and it did. Is that the scopes fault? No it is my fault. I like how you say that I made an ignorant comment and then you put words in my mouth. the way it came out sounded like thats wha u were saying . if you re read ur post it can be interprted as one with a brain does not need a scope . If it read that way then that isn't how I intended it to. I'm just trying to say that you can never set a gain at "x" point, with the deck set at "y", and have it be a safe, and maximum level for everything that you play. Some content could require a higher setting, and some lower.
  23. ricksi30

    smd dd1

    You are missing the point, a scope can do this for a tone but once you play ANYTHING else it is not accurately set for that content. Nothing is exact, a scope, a dd1, or the ear, but if you can learn to detect stress in your equipment you're set.