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Everything posted by ricksi30

  1. ricksi30

    Happy belated Birthday Shizzzon/Sean

    He's so cool that he gets 1.5 threads.....Damn I wish that I was that cool Happy Birthday Sean
  2. ricksi30

    2.1 Bedroom Setup

    Beautiful! Now I want to build something, but I will have to wait for better weather. I'm jealous Aaron, please post a review when you get some listening time.
  3. ricksi30

    Happy Birthday Shogen and Shizzzon!!!

    Happy Birthday Fellas!
  4. ricksi30

    ICON 15 Smallest Sealed

    It'll work but if you can bump it up at all you should. Nice sub choice!
  5. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Don't get me excited about one again damnit.130 mph and it was like I wasn't going any faster than 70. So smooth. I'm jealous. I'll have one someday.
  6. ricksi30

    Can you tell me what options this 12" Q had?

    Look at the coil former and see if anything is written on it.
  7. ricksi30

    Cablguy184's 1949 Ford Tudor Sedan

    The headlights look good, glad to see daily progress!
  8. ricksi30

    Cablguy184's 1949 Ford Tudor Sedan

    The headlights look good, glad to see daily progress!
  9. ricksi30

    Incriminator Leathal Injection 15's $165 shipped

    Damn good price!
  10. ricksi30

    Cablguy184's 1949 Ford Tudor Sedan

    True old school, nice!
  11. ricksi30

    sealed box sp4

    Just make sure that the box is braced and whatever volume you want, and go for it.
  12. ricksi30

    NEM's Evilinator!!

    Are you going to run it sealed for good (minus shows) or just swap them based on your mood? Interested in hearing more as you get more listening time. Looks good btw!
  13. ricksi30

    Extremly ebarassed...

    Actually yes you are. Go ahead, use milk. ROFL.
  14. ricksi30

    Sundown 6.5 Subwoofer Project

    People will buy it just because, look at how many people run multiple sa 8's. I'm definitely not saying that it makes sense but without knowing the final price, I'd be willing to bet they sell quite a bit of them. I've seen several "i need to get me 6 or 8 of them" posts already.
  15. ricksi30

    Slamology 2013 Homeowners Association Compaint

    Sounds like a Voicemail.
  16. ricksi30

    What song is this?

    I know the feeling haha.
  17. ricksi30


    It's spam.
  18. ricksi30

    Audiopipe amps

    A "soundquebed" 1200 might be another good option but slightly over budget.
  19. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Haha I saw that shit on fb too. Subs when a girl gets their hands on them....Cool to see a chick into it though.
  20. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Stefan's latest install.
  21. ricksi30

    really... AGAIN!

    Put them in a big ass enclosure and throw your 1500 on em. I can guarantee you that it would be loud as hell.
  22. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I would say so. Wasn't his parent's money which was what I thought when I first saw it.