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Everything posted by ricksi30

  1. ricksi30

    2 kicker solo x's and amp. need helppppp

    u ever hear of " if u dont have nothing nice to say, you shouldnt say anything at all" i appoligize that my parents are in a finciale state to where they can lend me money without being stressed about it. they know im a hard worker and wont have any problem paying it back.... or else they wouldnt have lended it to me in the first place. now i got a question for you. whats was your dream set-up when you first started car audio? i mean when u FIRST got into it? for instance when i first got into it, i had 2 10" kicker comps and my dream system was to have 2 solo x's. not 4 15's. lol at the time i though that was a bit over kill No, however I have heard the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all"
  2. ricksi30

    2 kicker solo x's and amp. need helppppp

    Damn we have a bunch of babies here. The reason I like this forum more than any other is because I know that I can say what I want. Take his criticism as positive or negative it's your choice. If you don't want comments about your parents maybe you shouldn't bring them up on a car audio forum.
  3. If they ran your wires just hook up ground, remote, power, and rca's. turn the gain down and use a speaker you have laying around. If not find a buddy with a system and test it in their car.
  4. Test it yourself. Be sure to check the fuses.
  5. ricksi30

    Ferrari 430

    I think the matte black looks pretty sweet. http://www.lotustalk.com/forums/attachments/f92/114582d1237186243-flat-black-wraps-flat-m3.jpg
  6. Pretty sure that is normal.
  7. Haha I've been trying to kill my TEMPORARY audiopipe, but it keeps on truckin! Best 150 that I've ever spent on car audio
  8. Thanks man! EDIT: Thanks but MAJOR clipping.
  9. It can look 100% and still be shot. Try a new fuse.
  10. ricksi30

    Dead audio pipe

    Just got back from the gym.
  11. ricksi30

    A little flex from a 6th order bandpass

    Very impressive for a 10 on low power.
  12. Check all connections at both ends. Remote, ground, power etc.
  13. ricksi30

    Box in trunk of car

    Heavy duty velcro works well.
  14. ricksi30

    Team Sundown Russia - Ram on 24's

    Haha 60! That's crazy, I'll be waiting for those vids.
  15. ricksi30

    Team Sundown Russia - Ram on 24's

    Whoever does these videos is very talented. Nice truck.
  16. ricksi30

    ebay box

    Cut a piece of mdf slightly larger than the hole, glue it over it, then silicone around it.
  17. Other than the MTX being almost decent that stuff is garbage.
  18. ricksi30

    New Member Help need help choosing Sub?

    You can achieve a lot with 1200. I'd do a single ported 10 or 12 on 600-1000 Rms. A good comp set up front and an amp to power them. I wouldn't waste money on rear speakers, especially in a car that small.
  19. ricksi30

    New Member Help need help choosing Sub?

    I wouldn't do either. I'd save a few more dollars first. Nice car BTW! I know what you mean but I've been saving a whole year just saving for this car and I've tested driven a couple to know that the even the premium bose package does not pack a punch at all.. I mean seriously and turning up the base just makes the speakers sound distorted. But anyways I am saving up for a particular setup but its going to take a few months. Mind you the trunk space in the G37 is ridiculously small, cant fit shit in there (Unless your a midget killing hitman) 2 Polk Audio SR104-DVC subs 1 Polk Audio PA1200.1 Amplifier 1 Set of Precision Power PPI 356CS components 1 JL Audio XD600/6 Amplifier But Until then I need something to hold me off, thats not too expensive because I will be paying for installation too. What is your budget? The stuff your saving for isn't that great either.
  20. ricksi30

    New Member Help need help choosing Sub?

    I wouldn't do either. I'd save a few more dollars first. Nice car BTW!
  21. ricksi30

    lantz's ranger build

    If you are looking for output why are you going sealed??