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Everything posted by ricksi30

  1. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP

  2. I agree for a diagram to wire. But if he has a stock electrical system it's irrelevant because he can't supply enough power to the amplifier.
  3. What does your electrical system consist of? Hifonics isn't the best brand but if you have a severe voltage drop switching to the Sundown won't solve your problems.
  4. ricksi30

    Volkswagen Lupo build log

    Damn!!! Not the color I would've chosen but I am VERY impressed with all of your work!
  5. ricksi30


    not quite - this was on 3 12v bats and 2 4v cells... starting voltage was around 16.2 with a drop to 13.xx ....we would have done better on if we had XS Power d1600's oh....i thought when jacob originally posted the vid he had said what i said above IIRC but maybe that was a different video. even if it was 5 xs d1600s that would still be impressive....but knowing it was with even less.....WOW! That's what I was thinking! These will be insane on a beefy electrical system.
  6. ricksi30

    btl 18

    15 in a proper box > 18 in an inadequate box.
  7. ricksi30

    91 Civic Turbo'd and 5000wrms

    Go to the video section on here and check his stuff out.
  8. ricksi30

    91 Civic Turbo'd and 5000wrms

    Ram designs on here is one option. I as well as many others on here can help you through the process.
  9. ricksi30

    91 Civic Turbo'd and 5000wrms

    im thinking the same thing... i was thinking about getting these boxes now... but i doubt it would make a difference... opinions ?? http://www.ebay.com/itm/ATREND-RE-AUDIO-XXX18D2-18-VENTED-SUB-ENCLOSURE-BOX-/390306301765?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ae0118745 Do you think you can do it yourself?? Because getting a nice box for 2 18's that you have to ship is going to be very pricey. But I'd have wayy more port area than either of those boxes offer. An 18 BTL on that kind of power can displace a LOT of air.
  10. ricksi30

    re xxx 12 problem

    I agree with everyone about going with Fi. It will take a while but it'll be well worth it.
  11. ricksi30

    91 Civic Turbo'd and 5000wrms

    Also I hope you secured them, or else you're asking for trouble. Looking forward to the video.
  12. ricksi30

    91 Civic Turbo'd and 5000wrms

    Wow you need way more port area. Just by looking it seems like maybe 40in^2 per box?
  13. I'm not a huge Kicker fan but if you get the two 12's and the box for a great price it might be a good choice. If they are in good shape. As far as the amp I'd steer clear.
  14. ricksi30

    Biggest dude on SSA....

    Thanks for all of the tips guys! I'll definitely check out some forums, but the main thing will be changing the way I think about food. I've always been a big "eater" I was just always super active. When I graduated in 06 I was 275 and pretty fit. I just need to cut back on food and start getting active again, easier said than done but it is time. Thank again -Rick
  15. How much are they asking for it? I personally wouldn't buy it for pretty much any price. Like Sizzzon said Audiopipe is decent for a budget amp. My Cadence ZRS 9 took a dump on me so I bought the AP1500 to hold me over and am more then impressed for the price of 140 shipped brand new.
  16. ricksi30


    That is awesome!
  17. ricksi30

    Biggest dude on SSA....

    Thanks trod! Awesome advice.
  18. ricksi30

    Biggest dude on SSA....

    Again thanks for the response. I'm probably the most active ~500 lb dude you'll ever meet because I still ball with my friends and am semi active. (By no means am I saying that I'm in shape) So I am able to do active things and exercise. The big things are soda, alcohol, and my BAD eating habits. And on top of all of this I smoke cigs, which I have reduced from a pack a day to two packs a week.
  19. ricksi30

    Biggest dude on SSA....

    Oh and soda is another BIG thing that I'll be cutting out completely.
  20. ricksi30

    Biggest dude on SSA....

    I really appreciate the response. My big problem is eating a lot late at night. All of my friends are very in shape, and I used to play football, and baseball in high school. All of my "jock" friends continued to play sports in college where as I didn't. They are still very active, and I drink and party with them but don't do the activities that they do which is why I've put on so much weight. It is time for me to change my ways and any other comments are greatly appreciated.
  21. ricksi30

    SA-8 enclosure design

    Agreed, you "probably" wouldn't hear it, I'd suggest at a minimum of 27.48 in^2 of port area. For one Sa8?
  22. ricksi30

    amp for comps

    I mean your HPF? How low do you let them play?
  23. ricksi30

    amp for comps

    Listen for stress and adjust the gain accordingly. It will also be dependent on what you cross them at.
  24. ricksi30

    I'm an idiot

    Awesome! What did you do?