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Everything posted by ricksi30

  1. ricksi30

    Repair Amplifier

    What kind of amps?
  2. ricksi30

    Why not to buy PSI

    So from a 1 month old recone to now a few months? What is the real story then cause there seems to be quite a bit missing. +1 Not trying to call anyone out but the similarities between the sub that Julian posted and the pictures that biscuit posted are undeniably similar.
  3. ricksi30

    Why not to buy PSI

    What a joke.
  4. ricksi30

    ZCON 15

    Don't just talk about it DO IT!!
  5. ricksi30

    ZCON 15

    Yeah that makes sense. If you have any trade offers pm me. You never know...
  6. ricksi30

    ZCON 15

    Not yet I figured I'd give people on here a chance before I list it locally. I can't believe that there isn't really any interest.
  7. ricksi30

    Emperors Daily driver tp the dealers

    141 with two eights at 30 hz?? That is VERY impressive.
  8. TRP if you can give us a heads up i'd really appreciate it. Thanks, Rick
  9. ricksi30

    ZCON 15

    425 shipped!!!! 375 local pickup, I'm willing to drive half way to Phoenix for this local price.
  10. ricksi30

    21" Warden and a SAZ 3500

    What? I'm not too familiar with the Incriminaor amps but I'm pretty sure the saz-3500 puts out almost twice the power as a 20.1.
  11. ricksi30

    New Video 2011 Team SSAudio Mustang!

    Looking good man. How was the difference after you swapped amps?
  12. ricksi30

    ZCON 15

    Anybody? Buuuump.
  13. ricksi30

    Y'all are gonna love this. (link now up)

    How is this a "hit contract"?
  14. ricksi30

    Y'all are gonna love this. (link now up)

    People are crazy I wouldn't just shrug it off. I agree with everyone, call the police.
  15. Oh damn man sorry I'm on my phone so I don't get the instant pm's. The enclosure isn't built yet. I'll pm my number if you want to text.
  16. Nope I'm very new to this. We will have an suv with two 18 Icons off of 2500 rms, and if I still have my Zcon I'm going to give it a run. We're more in it for the fun right now as apposed to wining anything.
  17. Not me haha this will be my first show that I attend where I might compete.
  18. No problem man thanks for relaying the info! Any word on the January show yet?
  19. ricksi30

    recone sub question

    It won't "take the lows" any better or worse. The coil question will depend on how much power you plan on using.
  20. ricksi30

    recone sub question

    You just change the basket from a 12 to a 15.
  21. ricksi30

    ZCON 15

    damn and it looks sick as hell haha. yeah i really want this Shipping is $125 for the enclosure to your zip. So $225 shipped.
  22. ricksi30

    ZCON 15

    5 cubes net tuned to 35hz with about 90 square inches of port area. I'll get a shipping quote for you.
  23. ricksi30

    my incriminator audio system

    Nice gear man! I bet it sounds great.
  24. ricksi30

    unboxing the hf1215

    Nice man!