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Everything posted by ricksi30

  1. ricksi30

    (4) Skar 15's slappin in the Blazer (Team Skar)

    No problem man! We love pics and build logs here lol. It looks pretty loud from the videos.
  2. ricksi30

    (4) Skar 15's slappin in the Blazer (Team Skar)

    Get that build log posted! Nice work so far.
  3. ricksi30

    (4) Skar 15's slappin in the Blazer (Team Skar)

    Cute girl nice hair trick man, welcome to SSA!
  4. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I had UK vs. Ohio state on my bracket. Awesome game though Kansas deserves the shot after the way they played.
  5. ricksi30

    2- IB315 in the trunk

    Damn those pics look awesome! What is your new approach to fitting that beast in?
  6. Show me anyplace you find that statement directed toward the ZCON. Aaron has stated multiple times that the ZCON is not a sound quality driver. All of the other lines ARE geared toward SQ and having owned them all in various sizes I can back that up. While we do share some opinions on the ZCON, I simply don't understand why you have now targeted SSA as a whole. You weren't happy with the ZCON you have made that clear.
  7. The SSF setting on the AQ is not JUST shy of 50hz. So I am assuming in the neighborhood of ~46hz. Then simply put, if it has to be THAT high... the box is WAY too large for music. This makes me I was under the impression that a larger enclosure would result in a more sufficent manner when utilizing less power for a larger subwoofer that has a greater RMS rating. That is correct to an extent, but you can't just go as big as you want.
  8. In all seriousness, can I ask what your constant issue is with our drivers? Did they do something to you? You are constantly looking to find something to can attack the product on, or find some fault that is not there. We are open about everything, answer as many questions as we possibly can, and I am not sure where your approach comes from. We appreciate your thoughts and opinions (from all perspectives), but you are always looking to find something to attack the SSA drivers on. Now, we don't have any rep's (only a few dealers), so let's get that out of the way. The build house tests EVERY SINGLE SSA sub woofer before it is shipped out. It is part of agreement, it is what we pay for, it is one of the many reasons we have our drivers built at the best build house in North America. So we can assure it is done, we have seen in plenty in person, and we have a number of our drivers in our possession at all times. There is nothing f'ed up about it. The issue is that SSA does not design or build their product. Fi does. Can you argue that? If I wanted too, or anybody else for that mater, could do the same thing. How did you come up with the claim that SSA are sq drivers? Are you asking this because of your impression of the ZCON? Nobody has ever tried to push the ZCON as a SQ sub.
  9. There is no noise when pushing on the cone. Your thought on such an large enclosure was too my initial thought as well, but I recently made a visit to the Dcon setup with new enclosure, and to my suprise, the noise was still present. Initial setup of the Dcons was done by a shop. I assume that sure, it is possible for the 1500 to damage the pair, but the power is distributed evenly between the pair, and are identical drivers, so in result, shouldn't both be damaged if that was the case? When I tested with my 45hz port, and adjusted the ssf accordingly, I began to slowly turned down the ssf while monitoring the subwoofer, and the excursion on the Zcon looks amazing, as far as to the eye, and did not hear this noise until extreme excursion, where I than adjusted the ssf. But currently, this noise, at 37hz tunning, is present way before reaching Xmax. DCON's It is possible to damage one and not the other. ZCON I honestly don't know?? Is it the same exact noise? Can you describe it any better or get a video of it?
  10. That would rule out a lot of things. Amp, enclosure, wiring etc...
  11. Is there any noise/rub when pushing on the cone? I know that the ZCON was 100 percent when it left my hands and was only run on 1500 RMS. I believe Eric only ran 2000 RMS for a short period of time which I can't see damaging a ZCON even if the amp was clipping. Now you are running 1200 which I also can't see it having any thermal issues, however in such a large enclosure I would be nervous about over excursion under tuning. As far as the DCON is it possible that it was damaged running 1500 RMS? Who first set the gain? You guys or the shop? Running 1500 to a pair of DCON's is risky if the settings aren't correct.
  12. Eff dc power in my opinion. Great product but I'd read up on their CS before purchasing if I were you. Mechman will be who I use.
  13. ricksi30

    shipping on a subwoofer?????

    Haha same thing that I was thinking.
  14. ricksi30

    shipping on a subwoofer?????

    I think the reason that you are noticing it is because your shipping a heavy ass sub and it isn't cheap.
  15. ricksi30

    shipping on a subwoofer?????

    Fi charges for shipping and to my knowledge always has. Sundown includes shipping in the cost of the product.
  16. ricksi30

    shipping on a subwoofer?????

    Would you rather the sub cost 100 dollars more so that they can offer free shipping? They charge customers the actual shipping cost, they aren't trying to rip anyone off.
  17. ricksi30

    icon 12 wiring

  18. ricksi30

    Sneak Peak at the new GCON (Pics p5)

    Just another one I'll have to try out. It just wouldn't be right to not try all of the SSA subs.
  19. ricksi30

    Sneak Peak at the new GCON (Pics p5)

    Those look awesome! Love the way those 10's look.
  20. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bro I'm not scared at all bro. Damn I hate that too haha.
  21. ricksi30

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Looking good Phil, I'm very interested in what you think of this setup. Great progress so far!
  22. ricksi30

    Traded the zcon 15 away.. BUT look what i got.. ;)

    That's how mine was too.
  23. ricksi30

    Traded the zcon 15 away.. BUT look what i got.. ;)

    Yeah man play them until they give up or you have the extra money and then recone. Watch this recone closely and then you will be ready to diy next time.