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Everything posted by ricksi30

  1. ricksi30

    What subs should my uncle get?

    How much port are does the enclosure have? Is it braced properly? You can't just throw new subs in and expect good results. Knowing the volume and tuning doesn't tell us enough.
  2. ricksi30

    buddy is cheap but needs some help

    Get two DCON twelves or a fifteen and a cheap audiopipe amp, and build your own box.
  3. ricksi30

    Metered today :)

  4. Awesome man! Get some pics/videos.
  5. ricksi30

    BL Question

    1000 rms is plenty of power to get a bl going. I owned the first version and ran it on ~ 300 rms for a while and I was very happy with how it sounded on such low power.
  6. ricksi30

    fifteen 10's yo

    That sure is a lot of 10's. Looks good!
  7. ricksi30

    Sneak Peak at the new GCON (Pics p5)

    I just noticed the link. Can't wait to see them in action.
  8. ricksi30

    Sneak Peak at the new GCON (Pics p5)

    They look great! Release date?
  9. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah I had to go check it out.
  10. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You're not runnin DC's bro.
  11. ricksi30

    Shirt trick with SSA 18" Zcons & BC5500's

  12. ricksi30

    Sound Noob - open for suggestions

    Interesting, someone who has researched before posting....Agreed we need a budget. You sound like a Fi Q/SSA ICON kinda guy though.
  13. ricksi30

    diminished power

    Clocking in for the night shift, looks like it's going to be a long night.
  14. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Beer is good!
  15. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  16. ricksi30

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Looking forward to it, great work so far!
  17. ricksi30

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Welcome to the 150 club! I hope to be there with my dd soon. That is awesome that you fit all of that in your hatch area.
  18. ricksi30

    My new family member

    Thanks guys! He is officially named Riley, and is a handful so far. He is slowly getting used to his new home and is already almost trained to do his business outside. Overall he is very well behaved for a 9 week old puppy.
  19. ricksi30

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Awesome I'm looking forward to a review once you get some time using it. That box looks awesome, and the score as well. Did you burp the zcons at .25 or just 1 ohm? Your score was ~ 147.xx right?
  20. ricksi30

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    That is great! I'm glad that you are happy with them. How is your new deck?
  21. ricksi30

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Nice score man! How do they sound?
  22. ricksi30

    Fi BL and my application ?

    What makes you say that?
  23. ricksi30

    Fi BL and my application ?

    Get the 15 unless you want to get into something that you most likely don't have the experience to do properly.
  24. ricksi30

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Box looks great!