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Everything posted by ricksi30

  1. ricksi30

    Wired SSA Icon 12 to 200w(4 ohms) today...

    There is a chance, but they are pretty busy at the build house.
  2. ricksi30

    new guy . .. . looking for helpful insight!

    That AB amp should work just fine. How much do they run cost wise?
  3. ricksi30

    Alpine SPX-17PRO tweeter replacement.

    Yeah I have cooled off from wanting to sell everything I have and find a new hobby, to browsing for new stuff. Thinking about the 80prs and the new Sundown comps. I might replace the tweets and mid but I'm not sure if I liked the Alpines enough to justify spending all of that money.
  4. ricksi30

    Alpine SPX-17PRO tweeter replacement.

    Well the day from hell continues. My 880 took a shit on me and took my left mid bass with it. The front left pre out doesn't work and my left mid bass is now all scratchy. I don't even know what to do at this point. Now I'm pretty much out a deck and a component set.
  5. ricksi30

    Alpine SPX-17PRO tweeter replacement.

    Well I called an Alpine parts distribution center and they are 40 plus shipping each, so I'll just order the replacements. Thanks anyway guys!
  6. ricksi30


    The XCON would work very well. I love mine.
  7. ricksi30

    Need Some Advice, ZCON 15 or 2 ICON 12's

    ICONs get my vote. They get nice and loud and sound great!
  8. ricksi30

    Alpine SPX-17PRO tweeter replacement.

    Yeah that is what I'm thinking. I might grab another 2 channel and go active. If I do go that route I'll be in touch.
  9. ricksi30

    Alpine SPX-17PRO tweeter replacement.

    I saw those, and then I saw these http://www.madisoundspeakerstore.com/ring-radiator-tweeters/scanspeak-illuminator-r3004/6020-00-1-tweeter-small-ring-radiator/ Which makes me think that they might be some kind of Scan Speak tweeters. I know the mids are very similar to Scan Speak mids.
  10. ricksi30

    Alpine SPX-17PRO tweeter replacement.

    I'm reading through the manual now, I couldn't find anything online.
  11. ricksi30

    Alpine SPX-17PRO tweeter replacement.

    Thanks man, me too!
  12. ricksi30

    whay am i not louder?

    The volume isn't an issue, and 4 cubes should be a bit more efficient than a smaller enclosure.
  13. That's one big ass trophy Phil! Congrats!
  14. ricksi30

    whay am i not louder?

    Most places around me don't have a meter. Call around and ask if they have a Term Lab.
  15. ricksi30

    whay am i not louder?

  16. ricksi30

    Subwoofer for jazz music

    A Gcon 10 should be perfect.
  17. The enclosure will play a bigger role than any other part of your system.
  18. ricksi30

    Lets see if I remember how to do this

    Yessir. Very nice work.
  19. ricksi30

    whay am i not louder?

    Port area?
  20. ricksi30

    92 Volvo 240, SSA zcon 18!

    i myself have found that ssa subs (particulary zcon obly cuz its all iv had lol) are very efficient. im running my saz 3k @ 1ohm to the 18 and i dont drop below 13.4 at full tult. my port is a little to big for my sub (150sq inchs) so sound quality aint the best. thats why im either getting a seccond zcon in my truck with a new box, or getting 3-4 sundown sa 8 v2s on my 3k Voltage drop has nothing to do with how efficient a sub is. way to shoot me down... lol i meant it dont take a lot of power to get them loud. but i guess the box has alot to do with that as well. Didn't mean to shoot you down man, just making sure it was clear.
  21. ricksi30

    whay am i not louder?

    What do you mean by "feel"? Certain notes are "felt" differently.
  22. ricksi30

    whay am i not louder?

    35 is not that high, what are your goals?
  23. ricksi30


    So If I wanted to ask about this where would I ask. Right here, or start another thread in general.
  24. ricksi30

    92 Volvo 240, SSA zcon 18!

    i myself have found that ssa subs (particulary zcon obly cuz its all iv had lol) are very efficient. im running my saz 3k @ 1ohm to the 18 and i dont drop below 13.4 at full tult. my port is a little to big for my sub (150sq inchs) so sound quality aint the best. thats why im either getting a seccond zcon in my truck with a new box, or getting 3-4 sundown sa 8 v2s on my 3k Voltage drop has nothing to do with how efficient a sub is.
  25. ricksi30

    whay am i not louder?

    What are you upgrading from? If you want your bass to drown out your front stage (not at all sure why you would) turn the gain on the amp for the front speakers down. What are your enclosure specs?