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Everything posted by ricksi30

  1. ricksi30

    Happy Birthday Sencheezy!

    Happy Birthday man, have a good one!
  2. ricksi30

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    How exciting! Are we talking custom? I know you won't answer haha but I figured I'd try.
  3. Thank you! I think it is bullshit.
  4. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Riley working out.
  5. That's really odd. Well it was far from intentional lol. Just copied from my other thread. Thank you for cleaning it up. All of those sites turn words like "subwoofer" "deadener" "wire" and link them to vendors, specifically AT. So when you copied from there it copied the links.
  6. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Holy crap that's a good deal.
  7. ricksi30

    Bass brings out the zombies

    Boobs! What do you do for a living man? I hope it has something to do with video editing, because you got Skillz.
  8. ricksi30

    ShiZZZoN's Custom Music :)

    Either of these would be cool, I just want an unexpected demo song.
  9. ricksi30

    ShiZZZoN's Custom Music :)

    Can you do something with a country song for Senchez and I?
  10. Statements such as this make absolutely no sense. The difference between 1200w and 2kw is 2.2db before power compression, which is going to be atleast 1db at that power level. So the difference is going to be for the most part inaudible. Agreed, and it doesn't need a certain amount of power to "shine"
  11. ricksi30

    help newb with his first setup

    Are you going to do a slot or aero port? What sub are you getting?
  12. Agreed, I played the more power game for too long. It's a losing battle unless you are competing. My next amp will be a good quality 1000-1500 watt amp, and then I'm done. (I hope)
  13. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Glad that I went out tonight!
  14. ricksi30

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Damn I haven't had to turn a girl down in a while. I hope that she still wants to go out tomorrow. It has been a while since I have liked a girl this much.
  15. ricksi30

    help newb with his first setup

    I agree I would use more port area.
  16. ricksi30

    help newb with his first setup

    Anything 750-1000 would be great. When I ran my ssd 12's I had them getting 500 each. Subs don't need rated power to work well.
  17. ricksi30

    help newb with his first setup

    It CAN (not "likes") handle more power. I would put my money on the SSD being better in every way than the Sundown. Why is the SSD better in every way than a Sundown driver? Not any Sundown but the SD......in what way is it not better? The only advantages with the Sundown that I can see is that the SD would arrive sooner and costs less. For performance the SSD wins hands down. Have you used both drivers in a smiliar install to say that the SSD performs better? I havent. I have used both drivers in different installs. I stand behind my statement that the ssd is superior.
  18. ricksi30

    help newb with his first setup

    It CAN (not "likes") handle more power. I would put my money on the SSD being better in every way than the Sundown. Why is the SSD better in every way than a Sundown driver? Not any Sundown but the SD......in what way is it not better? The only advantages with the Sundown that I can see is that the SD would arrive sooner and costs less. For performance the SSD wins hands down.
  19. ricksi30

    help newb with his first setup

    It CAN (not "likes") handle more power. I would put my money on the SSD being better in every way than the Sundown.
  20. ricksi30

    help newb with his first setup

    I could be wrong but doesn't the SSD have a pole vent as well? The previous version did their new version doesnt. Cool thanks.
  21. ricksi30

    help newb with his first setup

    I could be wrong but doesn't the SSD have a pole vent as well?
  22. ricksi30

    help newb with his first setup

    It isn't the same sub but ~2.5
  23. ricksi30

    help newb with his first setup

    It was enough for my XCON so I would say yes.
  24. ricksi30

    Brutal Hairtricks on 10k (Slamfest 2012)

    Looks brutal man!
  25. ricksi30

    14th buisiness day

    Shawn I am glad to see that you are back full time! I wish you nothing but the best.