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Everything posted by sqhertz

  1. sqhertz

    New 12" Leathal Injections Doin Work!

    ive had one on 400 wrms in my old blazer. box was 2.25 @ 32hz ..probably my favorite sub ive owned. 0001-1.flv video by sqhertz - Photobucket 0002-1.flv video by sqhertz - Photobucket
  2. sqhertz

    IA 6.4 - 4 Channel Amp!

    boooo. i clicked this thinking they were ready to start shippin em out. any ETA yet?
  3. sqhertz

    187 series 15"

    for $50 , then yes. do it.
  4. sqhertz

    Legalize It

    ..there has been many studies on marijuana over the past few decades. its not like people are just thinking this stuff up in their head and everyone goes along with it... same thing with other drugs like cocaine , MDMA and LSD. though those didnt go to well , lol.
  5. sqhertz

    Legalize It

    i think we should legalize as well for the obvious reasons - to get out of debt. one thing i also question is when people say 'hey , i can grow better stuff than that!'. why would you want to grow something better at the risk of going to jail just because the white russian , widow , blueberry etc.. isnt as good as you would like. also , why wait 60-90 days to have more than you can smoke in a year when you can go to whatever shop that is selling it , avoid the hassle of bugs , light bills , the smell etc , and end up with the same product. i think we would save billions a year and clear up space in the prisons/jail for more serious crimes. i also hate the fact that they are so over crowded , that people with possession charges are in the same cell as someone who beat their wife , sold crack to the kid up the street , B and E , etc. how can people be so blind to the fact that so many things can come from hemp also? shit , at one point it was illegal NOT to grow hemp because the navy needed it for rope. you can make paint , clothes , fuel and tons of other things. not to mention the seed is one of the most nutritionally balances foods on earth. hemp is so simple to grow , you dont even need to do anything to it besides plant the seed. one plant can produce enough seeds to cover something like 10 acres. with that 10 acres , you have 100. then 1000 and so on every 60-90 days. eh , oh well. too many people talk shit saying that we need to do this and we need to do that , but they dont do anything themselves. THATS why its not legalized. too many shit talkers. untill people actually stand up and make calls , go to rallys , contact whoever they need to contact , it wont happen. /rant
  6. sqhertz

    IA 6.4 - 4 Channel Amp!

    x2. i ended up picking up a lanzar 4x400d until these come around. i couldnt wait any longer. too bad the 187's dont come in S4.
  7. sqhertz

    LI owners chime in

    heres a thread of when i first got it.... i did eventually end up selling it and trying something else...you know how that goes. http://www.caraudio.com/forum/showthread.php?t=326582
  8. sqhertz

    LI owners chime in

    i had my LI in 2.25 @ 32hz off ~350-400wrms....and it got very loud in my blazer. not sure what that would be like in a 'vert , but they are very nice woofers for the price.
  9. sqhertz

    Throw a few subs at me!

    sorry. its an incriminator audio lethal injection.
  10. sqhertz

    Throw a few subs at me!

    my LI sounded great off 400wrms and got pretty loud in my blazer. its in 2.25 @ 32hz though. i wouldnt doubt that it would still sound great sealed though.
  11. sqhertz

    Happy birthday jacob

    x2. happy b-day. makes me wish i stayed and school so i could make some bad ass amps and speakers.
  12. sqhertz

    Now Playing!

    Dj Shadow - Organ Donor Shyne - stuff from his selftitled album.
  13. sqhertz

    My new SSD's

    nice. what did you think of the re sr's?
  14. sqhertz

    Fi X recone?

    thinking about getting a motor + basket and wondering if there is any parts available for em? iirc , they had a 300wrms rating , anyway to bump that up a hundred watts or so? thanks.
  15. sqhertz

    Does it actually work?

    if used in your oil , i thought youre supposed to change it a few hundred miles after. ive never used it , dont think i will. im scurred my engine will just be one big leak after with 150k+ miles. then to get new seals put in...nah.
  16. sqhertz

    Do I need a Recone?

    called? fi has a phone number?
  17. sqhertz

    Fi X recone?

    bah. i want it. just the motor..
  18. sqhertz

    Fi X recone?

    but you do have parts for them though , right? can you give me a ballpark estimate? thanks.
  19. sqhertz

    Fi X recone?

    i sent an email to nick. maybe ill get a faster response that way...
  20. sqhertz

    Fi X recone?

    so who should i ask?
  21. sqhertz

    Fi X recone?

    isnt Fi and AA one in the same? ill wait till they reply to give me a definate answer.
  22. sqhertz

    Sundown Audio CLOSED June 20 - 24

    the beaches are very nice down here if you can find one that isnt too crowded. usually youll have to pay a few bucks to get into the nicer ones. the keys are always great to go to if you enjoy the water. fishing is excellent down there. what part are you going to?
  23. sqhertz

    Sundown Audio CLOSED June 20 - 24

    been down here all my life. im ready to move. i actually plan on moving to NC as soon as the girlfriend is done with college.
  24. sqhertz

    Sundown Audio CLOSED June 20 - 24

    get ready for the humid-ness. i was up in NC this past winter and i didnt want to come back, lol. have fun.
  25. sqhertz

    E8 Intro Sale

    excellent. about how many do you have left as it may be a bit till i can get money together to grab a pair of the b-stocks. and would it be worth it for the customers to get soft parts sent out or just a new driver as far as cost goes? im assuming the basket is epoxied to the motor rather than bolted..?