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About insaneastro

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  1. insaneastro

    Project F-150 be quite

    nice choice on speakers rainbows are teh tits
  2. insaneastro

    UPS came.

    should pound quite nicely in a well built box
  3. insaneastro

    Noobs, listen up.

    wow just wow
  4. insaneastro

    MJ-18's box

    id try 6 that should give it enough room and it should perform well
  5. insaneastro

    4 MJ 18 8ohm for the price of 3

    any deal if i take all 8 mj18 4s?
  6. insaneastro

    4 MJ 18 8ohm for the price of 3

    any way to get a deal on ordering 16? either single 4 or 8 doesnt matter
  7. insaneastro

    4 MJ 18 8ohm for the price of 3

    ah just the topic i was looking for im looking to order 2 sets of these so 8 total for now i would like to order 2 more sets in about 2-4 weeks and i was wondering if theres anything shipping wise that can be worked out i dont frequent this forum much but if anyone can help they can email me at [email protected] but ill try to stop back thanks