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Everything posted by acex3a

  1. acex3a

    enuff power

    900 watt and a 15 ssa def sounds like the prefect baby maker
  2. acex3a

    Who wants a FREE DP 18?

    going to order up a sundown 1500 and put the new setup in my scion tc gotta rep IA in the comingshows woot exciting first timewinning something like this godsmack when ever u wanna come up u can look at it =p
  3. acex3a

    Who wants a FREE DP 18?

    why thank u and u almost spelt my last name S o b c z u k =p
  4. acex3a

    Who wants a FREE DP 18?

  5. acex3a

    SSA ICON rides page

    nice clean solid setup right there! i like the work u did to it.
  6. acex3a

    my volvo s60 build lob

    nice and clean looking! like it a lot great work on it!
  7. acex3a

    Thanks Mark!

    awesome to hear!
  8. acex3a

    ~~ SSA Protoype super8 ~~

    how are the test coming along with the super 8?
  9. acex3a

    NEW SSA ICON build log

    that looks awesome nice and clean looking truck too i will add. cant wait to see some new vids of annoying the wife of something of that nature! awesome set up and truck again!
  10. Just curious, have you heard the Icon sealed or IB? I have a feeling you'll be really pleased at what it can do then not IB but in a sealed box yes and yes that did sound better. but for a prefab box it wasnt half as bad as we orginally intended thought it sound sloppy.
  11. acex3a

    So I downgraded...sorta??

    Just curious, have you heard the Icon sealed or IB? I have a feeling you'll be really pleased at what it can do then not IB but in a sealed box yes and yes that did sound better. but for a prefab box it wasnt half as bad as we orginally intended thought it sound sloppy.
  12. acex3a

    So I downgraded...sorta??

    id ahve to say some great SQ out of the 12 in that box. hah quick install truck looks a lot cleaner. i like that shadow of ur logo on the truck form ur sticker looks good. toss that out there
  13. acex3a

    my volvo s60 build lob

    wow sorry to hrear about ur subs!
  14. acex3a

    THE first SSA/Fisher Customs combo

    awesome box once again thats a sweet combo deal.
  15. Happy B-day! party!!! hard!
  16. acex3a

    SSA teaser pics of 8" driver

    now this is getting exciting! 8'' gives me a reason to fabercate my door pannels for all speakers woot! pics need pics! sexy little beast they are!
  17. acex3a

    NEW SSA ICON build log

    wow thats going to beat hard with those nice upgrades! cant wait for new vids.
  18. acex3a

    First spl comp today

    awesome score!
  19. acex3a

    MmMm Sundown Sex

    not fair! want the 100.2 and 100.4 matching amps look sexy!
  20. acex3a

    SSA teaser pics of 8" driver

    any word on these sexy things yet?
  21. acex3a

    1999 Chevy Blazer ZR2

    have u hit the roof with it yet? that was a big area i had to hit up with my icons.
  22. acex3a

    Who wants a FREE DP 18?

    wow thanks for telling me i smell bad! punk.
  23. acex3a

    Do work son!

    wow 6 3000 i thought 2 was a lot! and a crap load of batts in the back whats going down here?
  24. acex3a

    1999 Chevy Blazer ZR2

    sweet build thats going to be! love the truck! heh sorry about ur dog.
  25. acex3a

    Who wants a FREE DP 18?
