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Everything posted by acex3a

  1. acex3a


    hiya!!! welcome aboard!
  2. acex3a

    Not-so-newb from MI

  3. acex3a

    SSA dcon specs are a go!

    wow great news!
  4. acex3a

    SSA ICON and Sundown 1000D special

    woot! nice deal
  5. acex3a

    Where is everyone ?

    x2 im lost without ssa
  6. acex3a

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    maybe jan before i leave
  7. acex3a

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    when are these coming out? i want one im waitin for this for my TC
  8. acex3a

    Thanks Trevor:p

    this is taking to long!
  9. acex3a

    Jacob Its Been Too Long Since One Of These

    i love yea and ur products! no homo! thanks for all ur hard work!
  10. acex3a

    Team Sundown is taking over

    congrats too all thats awesome work big gongrats to sundown!
  11. acex3a

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    cant wait for these beasts to be released
  12. acex3a

    R.I.P. S10 BLAZER

    icon or xcon sealed? choice hmmmm
  13. acex3a

    R.I.P. S10 BLAZER

    i was just thinking 100.2 1500 sundown and a 1 12 xcon or incon sealed with 1 batt
  14. acex3a

    R.I.P. S10 BLAZER

    is someone trying to make a funny?
  15. acex3a

    R.I.P. S10 BLAZER

    i took out every single little thing i could. ha besides the deadener. thinkin a single 12 xcon when they come out down the line. i got the alt when ever u need it. ha =p
  16. acex3a

    John's build for (2) 18" SSA prototype high output

    It was something that his father brought home from work. He works for a major airline. (can't say which one) Is it possible to get some? I absolutely HATE using mat, or freaking kitty hair! ************ i could get more
  17. acex3a

    John's build for (2) 18" SSA prototype high output

    we need to make a new amp rack