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Everything posted by Polish

  1. Polish

    I think I broke it....please advise

    Also on crossovers - just because it is set at 28hz, doesn't mean everything below that is 100% gone. It just means that is where the crossover slope starts. So it can still play 28hz and below, it is just rolling off at 12 or 24db per octave starting there depending on the crossover. I don't know what the rating on that amp is, I imagine it is at least 12db per octave.
  2. Polish

    Build set up opinions

    Have you measured how much airspace you're gonna have? What kind of blowthrough setup are you wanting, I assume a 4th order?
  3. That Kolossus Flex is OFC, so it's the good stuff. (OFC = Oxygen Free Copper) CCA is copper coated aluminum, which isn't as good as OFC.
  4. Polish

    Some more Evil Videos

    That is really weak, you should just pack it all up and send it to me. Seriously though, that is madness for a single speaker.
  5. 2000 watts / 13.8 volts = 144 amps. So I'd go with a 175 amp fuse on each amp, some people claim they are under rated so if they do make a bit more than rated it leaves some head room.
  6. Polish

    Dexters Sebring

    I personally like fuses myself. I am not a fan of circuit breakers and fuses are cheap enough. If you're talking about my comment about 2 runs of 1/0 in your other thread, I suggested that because you're right at the limit of what a single run of 1/0 can handle; which is roughly 300 amps of current up to about 18'. If your run is longer, the capacity it can handle drops. You have 4k rms of just sub amps, which will draw about 289 amps of current at 13.8 volts. 4000/13.8 = 289.85 amps. So a single run will work but not leave much headroom. If you have say a 300 watt amp for the highs, it will be 311 amps of current. 4300/13.8 = 311.59 amps. As I said, the single run will work but if you've got enough cable to do 2 runs, it would be beneficial in my opinion. It also gives you room for upgrades in the future. I say use 1/0 for the Big 3 as well, especially if you plan on upgrading the alternator in the future. As The End mentioned, they are short runs and smaller gauge will suffice but being so short the cost do to 1/0 vs 2 or 4 gauge isn't that much different and it will give you the least resistance possible. Plus it's done at that point, if you upgrade in the future you won't have to do the Big 3 over again if you do it in 1/0 the first time.
  7. Polish

    BHE Tahoe Timmy Son demo in the port!

    That is a freaking crazy setup, getting into the box is equally as crazy.
  8. See my answers in italics. I believe I need 2-300 amp fuses before each positive connection of the batteries within 12 inches of post. Is this correct? You only need as much fusing as your system will pull plus a little extra as a buffer for peak current draws. So just figure out what all your stuff will draw including highs amps and any other things you've added then fuse accordingly. I have two Crescendo BC2000D amplifiers I was planning on installing. These units do not have fuses on them. What is the fuse size recommended to run in the positive power wire running to amp? How do you calculate this? I imagine it should have something in the manual as far as recommended fuse size for the amp. Should I run a single positive lead on the rear battery to a distribution block and then go to amps? Fuse before T and/or after T? I would run 2 runs of 1/0 from the front battery to the rear battery with those 2 big amps. Then run from the rear battery direct to the amps with individual runs of 1/0 with the size fuse those amps call for. You could also run a pair of 1/0 to a large fused distribution block, then run from that to each amp. It just depends on what you want to do, either would work. I put fuses on each end of the main power wire when adding a rear battery, some people don't but if the wire shorts out and you only fuse the front then only that one will blow. The rear battery will still be dead shorted to ground. Should I just make two separate leads from rear battery to amplifier with inline fuses? See answer above. Also I was getting ready to start with my big 3 upgrade. When I looked at the power connection I have a positive connection point which is separate from battery. Also I have to remove bumper to get to front battery, yes it sucks. Do I need to upgrade wire to that location? Then replace the wire that comes off this unit? Haven't really investigated yet kids waked up from nap. I will include picture of connection point. That certainly does suck. You want the main power wires (the ones going to the rear battery and the big 3 upgrade wires) connected directly to the battery. You can leave the other stuff stock, just make sure you fuse the positive wire from the alternator to the battery as close to the battery as you can. I had a shop install my current system in January and this is how they connected the 4 gauge. Is this recommended or just convenient for the installer? Just saved them time, you ideally want it connected directly to the battery.
  9. Polish

    Your order # and when shipped

    In for videos.
  10. Polish

    Budget Recommendations

    I have not used them myself so I can't tell you how they sound but you could get a new pair of Sundown E series or Incriminator I series for right around $200. You can check out both in the SSA store.
  11. Polish

    Teaser vids

    Well I was just curious how far off the scores were from you 32hz scores. Even with the box tuned in the low 30's a lot of setups still peak in the 40-50's from what I've seen because that is where the cabin gain is the highest for many vehicles. Yours may just peak close to the tuning frequency of the box though, which is a good thing if it does.
  12. Polish

    sundown lincoln

    I had to laugh at the yawn too.
  13. Polish


    You could play them in fast forward. Hahaha... Nah man, it's just slowed music, that is what makes the bass so low in some of them. You slow a 50hz tone to half speed and it's now a 25hz tone, roughly. Some are the same song but with more bass or sine waves added it seems like, just depends on the song. It's not so much that they will hit *harder* than other music with bass but that there is usually a lot more of it or longer tones, so it's a bit more impact. I just like it more because most of the other stuff I have doesn't have much in terms of under 40hz minus a few random songs. If you already have a collection full of low heavy music, it might not seem all that impressive.
  14. Polish


    Haha, no worries.
  15. Polish


    That is correct.
  16. Polish


    I've not had any issue playing his music at the same levels as other music, but your setup may vary.
  17. Polish

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    Nice work, pretty much looks factory in there.
  18. I would say the nickname "McNasty" fits perfectly, because that thing is freaking nasty. Awesome demo man.
  19. Polish


    I have tons of bass cds and thought that was about as good as it gets for lows, then I tried some decaf. His stuff is awesome, crazy lows. I jam it on the way home almost every day now.
  20. Polish

    Teaser vids

    You would probably score higher with it tuned higher but there is no guarantee. It may be 1db, it may be 2-3. There are a lot of variables. What were your scores at 35hz, 40hz, 45hz, and 50hz with it tuned as is?
  21. Polish

    Teaser vids

    Very nice. That looked to bang pretty hard for 2 15's to me. I say good job. I assume they are ported?
  22. Polish

    2010 Malibu SQish

    That is some pretty wild stuff, really liking the build. I like the attention to detail for sure.
  23. Thanks man, I appreciate it. I think my meter had a loose battery connection that day or something, it was driving me nuts. I got it all squared away though and it's banging like a hooker now Good luck with the build, I am curious how those Max Pros do in a 4th order myself.
  24. At .75 you should be good to roll then. If possible design it so you can swap out the port. This way you can change tuning if your first setup doesn't give you the results you're after.
  25. Polish

    Teaser vids

    That is certainly nothing to be ashamed of. I see a good amount of flex, what is in that thing? Use youtube next time, all you have to do is post the URL to embed.