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About bahnspl

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  1. bahnspl

    18" BTL wall data

    Hmm if I remember correctly the 150.6 at 27hz is door open but on the DASH not kick. Bet would gain a few tenths on the kick. Now here is the thing. 39 to 40hz tuning. peaks LOW still and sound much better from what I heard. And surprisingly these are the BTL's and not the BL's cause I know the BTLs aren't suppose to be able to be tuned high AT ALL! I guess trial and error
  2. bahnspl

    astro van vids

    ha ha i didn't mean has he. only means he can do over a 160 ::whistles lol. there are rumors he can break a 162 legal musical
  3. bahnspl

    astro van vids

    No I definately know. It really sucks living in florida from that aspect cause there are a LOT of hard hitters down there. and I am sure his HURTS. but tommy's can do 160 bass race. but there again. he has an unfair advantage. not selling yours short AT ALL. Hell when i use to have my 3 15's in a daily wall in my taurus I was doing a 155 on a OLD audio control so like a 146 maybe on a lab lol. people would be like that is the loudest system in the world man damn blah lol. I was like I wish
  4. bahnspl

    astro van vids

    Definately looks nice man. loudest in FL? that sucks that the bass 150to 159 champion lives in tampa. his stuff is CRAZY if you ever get a chance to sit in it. but that isn't really fair 24 12's and almost 30,000 watts I think. but definately nice install man. I would like to hear it lol
  5. bahnspl

    How to do a cut through

    I know more about the cutting. that is fine. But say I want to do a massive wall. how do I account for flex between the bed and the cab. I would bring it into the cab just an inch and baffle it inside the cab. will it be ok or will there be too much flex.This will be a FULL cut through. window and all. I hear the boot the fits between the cab and bed/shell is EXPENSIVE. how much are we talking? just an est. 200? or 1000?
  6. 16 12's I bet that is it. can you send me the link of the build pics I bet that is it though. do you know if the pics were taken out by car tune automotive. any help would be great
  7. Nope that isn't the one. I remember reading in this guy's signature that he is from new port richey
  8. nnope this guy originally had like 16 to 20 subs I think. he had all the boxes stacked. dangit. grrrrrrrrrrr
  9. That might be right remember there was a lot of build pics.
  10. It has been a little while since I seen the pic and I was drunk lol but yeah. I do believe he had kicker. either way do you know if that is the crew from car tune automotive in NPR or if not was that where the pic was taken
  11. I seen the pic on here about 2-4 weeks ago and I couldn't post at the time my computer was messed up and i can't find the dang post now. Anyways you were doing a build and had pics of it. I remember looking at the pic and could swear that looks like car tune automotive's parking lot. Is it?
  12. bahnspl

    Got Metered in the Magnum

    ahhh just let us know what it hits on a termlab. still REALLY impressive. the only concern I have is audiocontrols even calibrated sometimes have problems. the shop by us a guy that normally does a 147 on a lab did a 161 on one the bad audio controls. not saying yours is nor trying to scare you. Heck even if it isn't a termlab. get it on another meter
  13. Yes i am curious. was this at the kick (still with 1800 watts and 2 10's pretty impressive). And if it was at the dash was it with everything sealed up. thanks
  14. bahnspl


    OMG... I am soooo sorry. I was being rude in theory. When I typed the original "draft" for the post I put lets say 800wattsrms to keep all fair. I am really sorry. I must have accidently deleted the line. I just read this I am like what the hell are they talking about I don't get how they keep missing that. so I scrolled up and realized I was the idiot. I apologize again
  15. bahnspl

    spiders on FI subs

    That is what I figured. I kinda though people would think I am a corporate spy when I asked. i asked cause that is what effects how stiff the sub is(well I guess that is a obvious answer)See which does the best off per watt