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About Fi_spence_Fi

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  • Birthday 11/19/1987

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  • Location
    Memphis Tenn
  1. Fi_spence_Fi

    box for 18" bl...how small is too small?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ODlBaIwa98 that's on 8 cubes. that's the smallest box i've seen for and 18 bl.
  2. Fi_spence_Fi

    where can i find it?!

    me too. me too. haha
  3. Fi_spence_Fi

    need help with new system. BAD!

    ok now i just found out i can get a great deal on a JBL gti15. good sub or no? better tan the 15" BL?
  4. Fi_spence_Fi

    need help with new system. BAD!

    ok now i just found out i can get a great deal on a JBL gti15. good sub or no? better tan the 15" BL?
  5. Fi_spence_Fi

    where can i find it?!

    There will not be any intro pricing. Have a read through some of the posts in this forum; I'm pretty sure that Scott listed a few reasons why it wouldn't be happening. will there be a limited amount and how much will they cost?
  6. Fi_spence_Fi

    My BL

    what amp you pushin? it with sundown 1500? i wan thionkin about the same setup man. except with a yellowtop.
  7. Fi_spence_Fi

    where can i find it?!

    thanks for the link by the way.
  8. Fi_spence_Fi

    where can i find it?!

    it's out of stock. it'llbe two weeks until i buy it so hopefully they'll order more. is there anywhere else?
  9. Fi_spence_Fi

    where can i find it?!

    i have been looking for an ascendant audio havoc 18 and i cannot find it. can anyone please tell me where i can order one? it would be deeply appreciated.
  10. Fi_spence_Fi

    UPS came.

    where did you buy it from?
  11. Fi_spence_Fi

    need help with new system. BAD!

    in the cargo area from the wheelwell to wheelwell there's 44 inches. from the backhatch to the back of the backseats there's 37 inches. and from the carpet to the roof there's 29 inches. what are my options and i don't really want it to be up to my back glass so is it possible not to cover ang of the glass?
  12. Fi_spence_Fi

    need help with new system. BAD!

    Do you have any suggestions about the box type or size i should be lookin into?
  13. Fi_spence_Fi

    need help with new system. BAD!

    and will one extra yellow top be able to handle it?
  14. Fi_spence_Fi

    need help with new system. BAD!

    ok. i'm new on this whole thing and the BL's would save me some money too so i'll look into that for real. what amp and box do you recommend? and what output should i expect from two 18 inch BL's. if you haven't noticed i'm tryin to have the loudest system around by far. thanks for your help so far.