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Everything posted by j_black10

  1. j_black10

    Check Out What UPS Delivered Today!!!

    Finished my box this weekend All that is left is to paint it, and put it and the subs in!! Oh yeah, its 13.008 cu/ft tuned to 30hz!!!!
  2. j_black10

    BKOLFO4= good AA dealer!

    A++ Seller!! Got a great deal on 2 AA Havoc 18s!!! Thanks B!!!!!
  3. j_black10

    Check Out What UPS Delivered Today!!!

    I'm going to make it bang!!!! Gotta get my box put together now. It's all cut out, just gotta put it together!! It going to be just like the one I had my Qs in http://www.*****.com/board/ind...c=10163&hl=
  4. j_black10

    Check Out What UPS Delivered Today!!!

    Sorry for the crappy c-phone pics!! Batteries died in the camera. But yeah they are AA Havoc 18s dual 2ohm!! Gots my 18s again!! Thanks Brian for the good service bro!! Thanks to Scott and the crew for another set of GREAT SUBs!!
  5. j_black10

    Any Experienced box builders give advice plz?

    Have you thought about walling it?
  6. j_black10

    AA Havoc 15"

    Man that's a beautiful sub!! Can't wait to get mine!!!
  7. j_black10

    Sealed Box - 2 FI Q18s

    Nope, I did not! I put 3 good coats on it.
  8. j_black10

    Sealed Box - 2 FI Q18s

    I wanted to see what my Qs sounded like in a sealed enclosure and I must say I love it!!! Here's pics of the build!! Box is 10.46 cu/ft dual chamber, so 5+ cu/ft for each sub!! Power Plant!!! Test fit
  9. j_black10

    Two Q18s in the trunk

    I say dual chamber, 4cu/ft each with some poly-fill and he will be satisfied!! How much power is going to them? Those 18's are going to tear his trunk apart!! Trust me!
  10. j_black10

    Sealed Box - 2 FI Q18s

    I'll say with the ported box I didn't set my gain on the master amp at all. It was all the way down. Now it's set, which is a little less than 1/4 the way up, and its just as loud or louder than before. So there was some lose but not much. But alittle adjusting fixed that!! I will say that my voltage doesn't drop now and it's really shaking the chit out of my truck now!!! The subs have more control, which with an Epicenter that is key!!!
  11. j_black10

    2 18 Q's or 2 18 BL's

    Get the Qs with no options and you'll be fine!
  12. j_black10

    Box for fi Q 18" (what size, how much port)?????

    imo it wasnt worth the output loss at 30hz rather then 32-33 i tryed that sub in pretty much every hz box form 28-40 I agree somewhat, but it shouldn't be that much output loss. I'm more about sound quality and those subs sound better @ 28-30hz compared to 32-33hz. They will have better control on the lower notes which that's what 18s are made for imo!! I know mine got REALLY LOUD and LOW when I had them in the 28hz box compared to the other two which were 30hz and 33hz. 33hz was the loudest but didn't hit the low notes to my liking.
  13. j_black10

    Box for fi Q 18" (what size, how much port)?????

    That box will work. The only thing I would change is the tuning, 30hz instead of the 32-33hz.
  14. j_black10

    Sealed Box - 2 FI Q18s

    Yeap, I had them in two different ported boxes. They sounded good in both, but the SQ is better in the sealed box. Here's the links to the builds http://www.*****.com/board/ind...ic=3714&hl= http://www.*****.com/board/ind...c=10163&hl=
  15. j_black10

    Sealed Box - 2 FI Q18s

    Thanks ya'll!!!!!
  16. j_black10

    My 2 Fi 15 BL Wall In Civic

    Zax, bro that wall is NICE!!! Great job!!! Can't wait to hear it in person one day!
  17. j_black10

    Sealed Box - 2 FI Q18s

    Yeap, it gets very loud!! Those vids don't show what it really can do!! And yeah those are T10001bds, running at 2ohms each so each sub is seeing 1000+rms each.
  18. j_black10

    Sealed Box - 2 FI Q18s

    Here's a couple of vids with the new box
  19. j_black10

    Sealed Box - 2 FI Q18s

    I sprayed it with black lacquer and put some Poly-Fill in it! Sounds great, gets loud!!!! I love it!!
  20. j_black10

    Sealed Box - 2 FI Q18s

  21. j_black10

    Sealed Box - 2 FI Q18s

  22. j_black10

    New box design for dual Q18

    My top is two 3/4" pieces. The top piece is 42" W x 29.5" L and the holes are 18 3/4". The other piece is 40" W x 22" L , subs are mounted to it. I glued and stapled those two pieces together.
  23. j_black10

    New box design for dual Q18

    It was 4" from the back wall. The port was 6.5 W x 19 L x 19 D and wasn't round off either (Forgot to before I put the box together)! This was the sub up, port back box. I had it metered with that box and hit a 147 on music. It was my first time doing it and I didn't know what I was doing, could have played a better song, tuning was off, etc. I think I could pull off a 150+ easily now. I got one thing working against me, FLEXING!!! Losing alot of pressure because my roof and side windows flex to much. That one Q of yours pumps bro!! I know your going to be really pleased with 2!!!
  24. j_black10

    New box design for dual Q18

    Yeap, it hits harder! I know people say sub up, port back is louder in SUVs, but in my expo sport it's sub up, port up. Since the box takes up the whole rear area, the bass has no where else to go but to the front! LOL! Also if you noticed I built 2 boxes. The first on was tuned to 33hz. It got loud but the quality wasn't as good as it is at 28hz. Qs like low tuning!!
  25. j_black10

    New box design for dual Q18

    I like design #2, it's like mine!!! I went from subs up, port back to this design and it was a world of difference. It's noticeably louder!! Mine is made out of 1" birch and its 13.15 cu\ft tuned to 28hz. I have the same SUV execpt mine is a 98 model. The side measurements are 21.75 H x 42 W x 31.5 D. I don't know if you saw my build on SMD but here it is! http://www.*****.com/board/ind...showtopic=10163