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Everything posted by Sameer

  1. Sameer

    Fi Q 18" review!! ITS HOTTT

    when u use wood glue, wipe it. dont let it drip down. brace inside of the box properly. btw how do u kno the tuning frequency of the box? wudnt lengthening the port lower the frequency? seriously ur work is sloppy. as was mine when i now started, but with practice i got better. try using a small sub and practice.
  2. how the Hifonics playing the Fi? u think it can take more? i have d 2000D in it. power like mad. ramdaspadhye, both the 2005 and 2006 are the same amps wit different heatsinks. they wont disappoint you.
  3. Sameer

    Fi 12" Q

    i love the box.
  4. Sameer

    lowering cabin temp for better db

    wudnt freezing the sub cause the metal to contract which can cause the coil to burst? well there is a rumour that a cooler interior will give you a rise in SPL level. the inside shudnt be too cool though, but jus cool enough. keep in mind this will put an additional load on ur electrical system unless u have upgraded alternators an batteries. an tint your car heavily to maximise your A/C. and dont have your car in the heat before testing as if it is too hot ur amps may trip when its time to test.