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Everything posted by caddyon20s

  1. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    thanks man u are completly correct. now is there a big difference between a 3 and a 4 cu ft box??? my finished box is 3 cu ft now, i was wanting to get as close as 4 cu ft as posible but now i only got 3 cuf ft per chamber, is there a big difference?? i see everyone wants to make this huge boxes especialy for the btls is the a good for a big box. HOW MUCH IS MDF GOOD?????
  2. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    one question what is the difference between tunning a subwoofer box to 30, 35 or 38 hz what is the bass like at each frequency ??? ok i know everyone is going to lough at me but i had to tell ya, after i finished my box and put it inside my caddys trunk the trunk wound not close i mean it did fit inside but i didnt pay attention to the tire moldings the moldings would not let it slide further in so i end up cutting 3 inches off the box it used to be 26 inches deep now its 23 deep i had to do my box desing again with less box volume and now i have an L shaped port, my box used to be 3.70 cu ft now its only 3, would having a smaller box effect anything??? thanks and yeah it sucks but o well life goes on thanks everyone.
  3. caddyon20s

    Box Design for 15" BL

    i have a lil question i know a fi bl need 3 to 4 cu ft per sub, now would a 4 cu ft feet box sound better than a 3 cu ft is there a big difference???
  4. hi today i was playing deep bass for like 20 minutes and after i gave the sub a break i touched the fi cap and it was pretty warm is this ok?? if i had played it for a lil longer would the sub had blown up???or do i have to break in my sub???im running a rockford fosgate p8002 amp and its sopuse to put out like 950 rms only. I tought a fi could take more than that if i got all the options thanks.
  5. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    im learning a lot here THANKS EVERYONE.
  6. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    this is my t2 sub im talking about really good sub and really good looks. sorry for the dirty floor but that is the back room nobody wants to clean it.
  7. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    thanks man and no im not glueing my sub to the box lol thats just nuts, how many watts were u running on your subs for them to pop out of the box?? and like a said before i have a t215 that is 60 pound a lot less than a fl and i was running 900 to 1000 rims on it never poped out of the box and never saw any flex on the box, i dont think there is so much preassure in the box since the box is ported and the air flows out, now if it was a sealed box it would be a different sotory.
  8. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    correct but i only had one screw that cracked the particle board not bad though, i just drilled out the holes and then did the screws thanks. no cracking off the subject i see you got 2436 posts you must be adicted to audio???
  9. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    i forgot to mention that i used a really good glue that says it bounds stronger than wood i tryed it on two peaces of wood and nex day i tryed to pull them apart never could, the glue is pretty good and i also used lots of screws.
  10. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    yep my box for my t215 rockford is made out of particle board im runnig about 900 to 1000 rims on it and it doenst flex a bit at all.
  11. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    you are correct man the port is 3 inches away from the back wall it just doesnt look that way in the pic, i didnt have to make the L shaped port becuase i only needed 22 inches long of port and my box is 26 inches deep thanks.
  12. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    Did you even read your own thread? You used the wrong wood. That box doesn't have a chance. And jesus christ.. tell your friends to grow some balls. Its a truck. Its supposed to get fudgeed up. Wrong wood is debatable. As long as the cuts were good and it is secured at the joints correctly for a good seal, I highly doubt much difference can be heard between MDF and small particle board. At least it isn't ugly OSB or something. Someone said the opening for the port internally wasn't big enough. It looks to me that the opening is just as wide inside as the mouth on the outside. Is there a reason to have it wider than the mouth? Serious question. yes the end of the port is just as wide as the front but the inside piece goes too far in to the box. it is too close to the back wall of the box. he should have an L shaped port. im pretty sure youre suppoed to have about 4-6 inches of clearance fron the end of a port and the wall behind it. port looks like its 2- 3 inches wide but its only about an inch or so from the back wall of the box. ok lets see if i understand your coment, first of all the port is 3 inches wide 16.5 H, and the port is 3 inches away from the back wood, the port had to be 22 inches long to be tunned at 35 hz.
  13. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    Im running about 900 rms on my enclosure and a t215 rockford.
  14. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    Umm, no its not. Regrettably son you have just built a box that will be better suited to start a fire than hold subs. You need to go back and buy MDF. start a fire, my current box for my t215 is made out of particle board and it pounds the shi* out of my car never had a problem with it and i've had it for more than a year. When ever i get the subs mounted in and everything done I AM A upload a video so everyone can watch it if it doesnt sound good its ok at least i tryed ((((((( thanks everyone for ur great help on desinging my box )))) I wasn't bashing you for trying, but you really should have asked a bit deeper when going into something you don't know how to do. It is great that you tried, and almost succeeded but regrettably particle board is no where near a viable solution for a sub box. I AM A try it out and if it doesnt work good I AM A switch to mdf wood,, the box building process took me like 6 hours i can spend another 6 making another one, but like i said my current box is made out of particle wood and its sounds really good no problems at all for more than a year.
  15. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    Umm, no its not. Regrettably son you have just built a box that will be better suited to start a fire than hold subs. You need to go back and buy MDF. start a fire, my current box for my t215 is made out of particle board and it pounds the shi* out of my car never had a problem with it and i've had it for more than a year. When ever i get the subs mounted in and everything done I AM A upload a video so everyone can watch it if it doesnt sound good its ok at least i tryed ((((((( thanks everyone for ur great help on desinging my box ))))
  16. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    please post your coments
  17. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    i still need to get the carpet but its almost done, I AM A be running two bl15 and two p8002 rockford amps cant wait to try it out.
  18. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    well i got it from home depot i think total was 44 dollars, 3/4 a pain in the a?s to get it home since i dont have a truck, some of my friend do but i didnt wanna ask since they have nice trucks they probably woundnt want their truck scratched, so i used my sis explorer the one on the above pic they berley fit inside the truck, thebox is 42.5"W x 18"H x 26"D the vent is 3"w and 16.5" H the port length is 22.5 hopefully it will sound good. box is 3.70 cu ft per chamber aftert port and subwoofer displacement total box gross =9.59 cu ft
  19. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    my bros car my others bro mustag thanks to my self for all the hard work i did today please no haters thank you.
  20. caddyon20s

    Can I change my order?

    i ordered my bl15 with extreme leads not knowing they were only for spl and not for daily, my sub does makes a lil noise when playing realy loud but i notice it only when i open the trunk and listen to the sub, when i close the trunk get inside my car i dont hear nothing at all, would having exteme leads for daily hurt the sub???
  21. caddyon20s

    jlw7 vs fi bl15

    what is better from any experience you guys have had
  22. hey i got the cooling option on my sub but what do they do excactly to the sub, what makes it different from one that doenst have the cooling, the only thing i notice was a lot of holes arround the sub basket is that what cooling is?? hey one more question do u think that the bigger the box lets say up to 4 cu ft for a bl15 the more bass it produces?? is a 4cuft box better than a 3cuft?
  23. no the sub didnt smell or anything but i was just a lil worry, and what does it mean to be clipping is that when the amp shuts off?? if it is no my amp doesnt ever shutts off.
  24. caddyon20s

    Ported box for fi bl 15

    Hi, u used winisd and after puting all ur demenssions if you want 4 cu tf for ur sub the port needs to be 22.5 inches length.
  25. caddyon20s

    box building online calculator???

    OOOPS sorry man but i suck at math, can somebody desing a box for me please, i need 4cu ft per chamber and both sides tuned at 35hz the box needs to have a divider in the center for two separate boxes for my subs, my demensions are 43"W 18"H and i can lots deep five dollars will be given to the desinger of my box, i can pay trough paypal or just send u the money in an envelope thanks. please send the desing to my email adress [email protected] after uve sent me the desing i will pay. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb247/c...pg?t=1186348758